Singapore Marine Conference Set For February 1979

The Institute of Marine Engineers, in conjunction with the Singapore Branch, is organizing a major conference on "Equipment for Specialized Vessels," at the Hyatt Hotel, Singapore, February 6-9, 1979, in conjunction with Asia Marine 79, the international exhibition being organized by the Europort Organisation of Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Speakers, chosen for their specialist knowledge and international reputation, will present 18 papers during the four days of the conference. Subjects will include hydraulics, gas turbines, specialized vessels, pipe systems and pumping, lower grade fuels, inert gas systems, high pressure air, controllablepitch propellers, deck machinery, refrigeration, air-conditioning and cryogenics.

Information about the exhibition, conference registration, supporting social and ladies' programs, and packaged air travel arrangements is now available from Expo Travel & Conferences B.V., Wallhaven Z.Z.

3088 HJ, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Other stories from October 1978 issue


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