Kastalon Offers New Brochure On Polyurethane Crane Bumpers

Polyurethane crane bumpers are the subject of a new brochure being offered free by Kastalon Inc. of Alsip, 111.

The four-page folder says that Kastalon polyurethane crane bumpers outlast all other crane bumpers and, affording physical properties that surpass ordinary materials, they are more resilient, more durable, more economical and more capable of accommodating a wide range of applications, fitting virtually every bumper requirement.

Only premium grade materials are used, yielding crane bumpers that provide optimum results in every application at reasonable costs.

Other points mentioned are: Kastalon polyurethane crane bumpers are engineered for both OSHA and AISE (steel mill) requirements; they are not affected by oil, grease, dirty environments, temperature changes or aging, thus providing for longer life; they have no moving parts, require no maintenance, require less room for installation, and are much less in cost. Advantages listed are longer life, less downtime, better results, and lower operating costs.

The publication contains a chart that lists the various models with such information for each as diameter, length, cubic inches, capacity, baseplate, bolt size, bolt centers and weight. Quick selection graphs are also shown for both AISE and OSHA parameters, and bumpers of extraordinary parameters can be engineered and quoted upon request. Kastalon provides a complete service package on custom-made polyurethane products.

For a free copy of the brochure and further information on Kastalon polyurethane products, Circle 94 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from January 15, 1985 issue


Maritime Reporter

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