Aiken-Murray Offers Brochure On Chemical And Engineering Services

Aiken-Murray Corporation, New York, N.Y., is offering a free sixpage fold-out brochure and other literature on the chemical and engineering services marketed by the company.

Included in the literature is an announcement by K e n n e t h J. E d - w a r d s , president of Aiken-Murray Corporation, introducing improved "marine" Aiken® Even-Flo® formulas to tackle today's problems experienced by steam turbine ships and motor vessels.

Aiken Even-Flo 910 (MVs) and Aiken Even-Flo 910E (STs) are sophisticated wholly organic fuel treatments. They incorporate chemicals that inhibit stratification, inhibit corrosion, prevent the formation of asphaltic agglomerates, and reduce the surface tension of the fuel. When all of these components are blended into a liquid, the result is a product which causes a uniform mixture to be delivered from the treated storage tanks to the burner nozzles for maximum combustion efficiency and system cleanliness.

According to the manufacturer, maintenance downtime is reduced considerably and the resulting fuel savings are many times over the cost of the treatment used.

The illustrated brochure discusses Aiken products and formulations used in a comprehensive approach which the company has successfully followed since 1934 in many of the largest and intermediate size companies on land and at sea in the U.S. and abroad.

For further information and a free copy of the brochure and literature from Aiken-Murray Corporation, Circle 295 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1989 issue


Maritime Reporter

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