Raytheon's S N A - 9 1 Integrated Bridge System Is Said To M a k e Significant Contributions To Fuel Savings

Raytheon Marine is offering a free, four-color brochure fully detailing its new cost-saving Integrated Bridge System, SNA-91. The fold-out publication features color photos, dimensional drawings and a detailed block diagram describing the system and its operation. In addition, the brochure provides information on functional specifications such as position fixing, navigation planning, route tracking, ARPA and data display.

According to Raytheon Marine, its innovative SNA-91 Bridge Integration System makes significant contributions to fuel savings for ships of this size. The company claims this system often saves as much as 2 percent of the fuel costs, or about $5,000 a month. It does this with the use of its own built-in adaptive steering system which minimizes unnecessary rudder movements.

It also interfaces with performance sensors to monitor engine, hull, weather, and navigation data.

The SNA-91 consists of a Navigation Control Unit with a multicolor 20-inch Raster Scan CRT; a Computer Planning Terminal, including floppy disks for electronic charts, data and programs; plus a Chart Digitizer; and Printer.

Designed to be easy to use, the SNA-91 Bridge Integration System presents a broad range of ship management information on-screen. For example, three electronic "pages" of engine data include: propeller rpm, propeller pitch angle, shaft horsepower, torque, turbocharger rpm, engine start air pressure, temperature and load, and fuel oil consumption.

The computerized integration system also displays hull pitch and roll data, draft and trim, and propeller slip ratio.

The SNA-91 interfaces with the ship's navigation systems, including gyro, log, SatNav, GPS, Loran, and radar. When interfaced with Raytheon's Pathfinder®/ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) the SNA- 91 displays ARPA-track radar targets, along with electronic charts, navaids and other data. The SNA- 91 and ARPA transmit information back and forth, so that the ARPA can also display buoys, coastlines, etc., enabling the operator to see electronic chart data in relation to radar images. By exchanging data, the two systems provide "map match" checks resulting in the highest level of accuracy possible.

Raytheon's Pathfinder/ST ARPA, with ranges from 1/4 to 96 nm, automatically monitors up to 40 targets simultaneously, and displays vectors and data for the 20 most critical targets, on a very sharp, ultra bright, 34-cm CRT. Among route planning features available is a Trial Maneuver mode, which allows allows the operator to enter possible changes in course and speed to determine best course of action.

With the introduction of the M/V President Adams into trans-Pacific service last fall, a total of five new ClO-class ships joined the American President Lines fleet in 1988. They were designed to meet the needs of APL's Pacific Basic customers,- using the most advanced technologies available, including a "wide body," non-Panamax hull, and a new, computerized Integrated Bridge System.

These ClO-class ships' navigation consoles are designed in " T " formations with an SNA-91 Bridge Integration System and Raytheon Pathfinder/ ST ARPA on each arm, and engine and steering controls in the center. The integrated dual system helps to make it easy to carry out navigation and other ship performance functions from one location.

Built in Germany by Howaldswerke- Deutsche Werft (M/V's President Kennedy/Truman/Jackson) and Bremer Vulkan (M/V's President Polk/Adams), the ClOs incorporate many of Germany's "Ship-of-the-Future" ideas into their design, as part of APL's efforts to reduce costs on a per-containermile basis.

For further information on the Integrated Bridge System, Circle 3 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 88,  Apr 1989

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