1989 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Morrison Molded Fiber Glass Company (MMFG) of Bristol, Va., recently announced that major changes in Duradek® fiberglass grating have recently been made to improve and upgrade the product and make it more readily available to the customer. Over one million dollars' worth of the new product
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989American Marine Corporation of New Orleans, La., recently completed the enlargement and modernization of a self-unloading bulk cement carrier for Lehigh Portland Cement Company of Allentown, Pa. The refurbishment included cutting the vessel in half while on drydock, translating the two sect
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989At the annual board of directors meeting of Phillips Cartner & Co., Inc., Alexandria, Va., Dr. John A. Cartner was reelected chairman, Robert W. Urban was elected director, managing principal and chief executive officer, and John A. Kupersmith was elected director and principal in charge of
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989SPD Technologies has been awarded a $6.7-million contract to design and produce the 5,000-volt switchgear for the U.S. Navy's surface ship Integrated Electric Drive Program. The contract was awarded by General Electric's Naval and Drive Turbine System Division in Fitchburg, Mass., prime con
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Marine & Offshore of Helsinki, Finland, is offering a free 12-page color brochure on ABB variable speed AC drives for marine propulsion and dynamically positioned vessels. The brochure discusses the SAMI Megastar variable speed AC thruster drives with fixed-pitch propellers which are said t
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989—Free Brochure Available— Marine Gears, Inc., Greenville, Miss., is offering the new Haley MGI "Torsionally Resilient" Marine Clutch in ten sizes ranging from 800 to 6,250 hp. Available in stock and ready for immediate delivery, all "TR" Series Marine Clutch components—rims, tubes and sho
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The Copenhagen-based yard Burmeister & Wain, recently delivered the Petrobulk Jupiter, the 11th ship in a series of Panamax product tankers. The vessel has gone on time-charter to Shell International Marine Ltd. for a period of five years. This is the first in a batch of five sister vessels
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Official plans have been announced for the 1989 International Maritime Exposition, which is held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). In past years, the show's primary exhibitor focus has been the design, construction, use, a
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The M/S Athena, a new Baltic cruiser ordered by Rederi AB Slite of Sweden, has been delivered by Wartsila Marine's Turku Shipyard. The vessel recently departed from Turku on her maiden voyage, which will include stops in Mariehamn and her home port of Slite before arrival in Stockholm. The
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989NBC anchorman Tom Brokaw and South Dakota Governor George S. Michelson were among a number of South Dakota dignitaries who participated recently in the christening and launch of the USS Rushmore at Avondale Industries in New Orleans, La. The Rushmore is the fourth in a series of Landing Shi
- Trinity Marine Group Delivers Detroit Diesel-Powered Ferry To Texas Transportation Department page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Moss Point Marine, Inc. of the Trinity Marine Group has delivered the 100-foot passenger and vehicle ferry Mark G. Goode to the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. It has joined six other ferries working between Port Aransas and Aransas Pass, Texas, near Corpus Chri
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Great Lakes Energy Systems, Columbus, Ohio, is now the exclusive international supplier for Detroit Diesel 6-110 engine parts and components. Great Lakes has purchased all of the 6-110 parts, and the rights to manufacture new parts, from the U! Detroit Diesel Corporation, according to Bruce
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The Department of the Navy has christened the auxiliary crane ship USNS Equality State (T-ACS 8) at Tampa Shipyards, Tampa, Fla. Senator Malcolm Wallop, RWyo., was the principal speaker at the ceremony. Mrs. Malcolm Wallop, wife of the principal speaker, was the sponsor of the ship. Equali
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989New Orders Up For Second Year In A Row According to Drewry Shipping Consultants Ltd., London, England, an aging world fleet (27 percent of the fleet is more than 15 years old), should provide the world's shipbuilding industries with a modest increase in work based primarily on replacement
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The bombshell provided by Canada's April 1989 budget completely overshadowed any definitive review of 1988, with respect to Canada's shipyards and associated marine manufacturing and supply industries. I'll return to this dramatic issue after a quick look at the year ending on December 31, 1
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Editor's Note: J.A. Tinkey is president of Mid-America Transportation Company in Fairview Heights, III. In April 1989, Captain Tinkey became chairman of the board of the American Waterways Operators, the national association of the inland and coastal barge industry. During the Drought of '88,
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Backlog Of $16.6 Billion In Navy Construction Work At Yards; Shallow-Draft Vessel Construction On The Rise Navy Construction The prime generator of new ship construction remains the U.S. Navy. According to the Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) 1988 Ship Construction Report, the Navy con
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Status of U.S. Navy Ship Modernization and Maintenance NAVY BUDGET The proposed Navy budget is $101.7 billion in FY 1990 and $105.1 billion in FY 1991. This would represent a three to four percent increase over current spending. Described below are Navy's plans and budget for major program
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The U.S. Navy recently commissioned the guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea at ceremonies in Portland, Maine, at Bath Iron Works shipyard. Senator William S. Cohen, RMaine, was the principal speaker at the ceremony. Renee Lyons, wife of Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.), w
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Astilleros Canarios, S.A. (ASTICAN), a full service ship repair yard and the largest marine repair center in the Canary Islands and on the west African coast, is offering an 18- page color brochure on its facilities and capabilities. The publication lists facts concerning the yard's total ar