![Logo of June 1980 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News](https://images.marinelink.com/images/magazines/w100/MaritimeReporter-198006-page1.png)
Bell-Halter To Build Four SES 'Dashboats' For Command Marine
A new mode of high-speed marine transportation will become available to the Gulf of Mexico rig and platform operators this winter when the first of four new surface effect "dashboats" begins servicing offshore rigs and platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.
The contract to build the four vessels was announced recently by James L. Mello, president of Command Marine, Inc., Lafayette, La. Floyd J. Naquin, president of Halter Marine, Inc., New Orleans, N.C. Willcox, president of Bell Aerospace Textron, Buffalo, N.Y., and John J. Kelly, president of Bell-Halter Inc., New Orleans.
Mr. Mello said Command Marine is the first American vessel operator to choose surface effect ships because of positive results obtained in intensive civilian and military testing of the prototype Bell-Halter SES, and because of outstanding records logged by the SES.
"Speed, fuel efficiency, and stability are the obvious advantages," said Mr. Mello. "These new 'dashboats' will be able to carry up to 120 passengers or 40 tons of cargo at 32 knots in calm seas and 28 knots in seas and weather conditions in which conventional forms of marine transportation cannot operate." The new "dashboats" will be very similar to the Bell-Halter prototype with a 110-foot length, 39-foot beam, and on-cushion draft of 4 feet 6 inches. Offcushion draft is 7 feet 9 inches.
The surface effect "dashboats" will ride on a resistance-reducing cushion of air contained by catamaran- style sidehulls and flexible bow and stern seals. When under way, the center portion of the hull is clear of the water and supported by the air cushion, which dramatically reduces resistance with the water. This low resistance characteristic results in much higher speeds per installed horsepower and greatly improves the ride characteristics of the vessel.
"Because the S E S has less friction with the water, it uses less fuel," said Mr. Mello. "That fuel economy will be further enhanced by the highly efficient SACM (Societe Alsacienne de C o n s t r u c t i o n s Mecaniques) engines selected to power the 'dashboats,' as they burn approximately 13 percent less fuel than more commonly used engines," he added.
Mr. Naquin said that, "because of the design of the Bell-Halter 'dashboats,' these 110-foot vessels are equivalent to a 140-foot vessel in payload and volume. In addition, they will be equally adaptable in a multipurpose role as they can serve as ferries, hydrographic survey vessels, fireboats, search and rescue craft, and more." Mr. Kelly noted that, while this is the first civilian contract for Bell-Halter, the group recently delivered a 48-foot SES hydrographic survey vessel to the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, and that Bell Aerospace has built surface effect ships for governmental agencies.
The first vessel will be delivered in the fall of 1980, with the other three vessels following at two-month intervals thereafter.
Other stories from June 1980 issue
- L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b l e On Schoellhorn-Albrecht Capstans, Deck Fittings page: 4
- $18-Million Drill Rig Contract Awarded To Ingalls Shipbuilding page: 4
- Seminar O n Shipping F r a u d Prevention Slated For N e w York June 2 6 - 27 page: 6
- Ed w a r d Kaune To Be G e n e r a l M a n a g e r Of Todd-San Francisco page: 6
- Brochure Available From AAT Communications On Wesmar Products page: 7
- Miami Car/Passenger Ferries Designed By Nickum & Spaulding page: 8
- E.K. Arndt Discusses Fuel Conservation At Riverman's Conference page: 8
- Atco Marine Appointed U.S. Agent For Peabody Inert Gas Systems page: 8
- Blount Marine Delivers Offshore Supply Vessel page: 10
- Norshipco Appoints Two N ew Officers, Promotes Five Others page: 10
- Literature A v a i l a b l e On C r a n e Packing's N ew Package Seal Design page: 10
- Gotaverken Signs Contract For $85-Million Semisubmersible page: 10
- Bulk Carrier Delivered By Naikai Zosen Setoda Yard page: 11
- R o l l - O n / R o l l - O f f And Container Carriers page: 12
- Hitachi Awarded $13-Million Contract For Diesel Conversion page: 12
- Levingston Launches U.S.-Flag Bulk Carrier 'Pride Of Texas' page: 12
- Shipbuilding Technology Transfer Discussed By New York SNAME page: 12
- Mini-Tanker 'Dagwood' Delivered By Delaware Marine Shipyard page: 14
- Brochure Available On Columbia Offshore Technical Services Ltd. page: 14
- Executive Changes At O h i o Barge Line And A f f i l i a t e d Companies page: 16
- Floating Drydock Delivered By St. Augustine Trawlers page: 16
- D.M. Surgenor Named VP/General Manager Of Nickum & Spaulding page: 16
- $ 1 9 5 . 4 - M i i l i o n Contract For Three Frigates A w a r d e d To Bath Y a rd page: 17
- A $lS5.4-miIlion contract for c o n s t r u c t i o n of three FFG-7 class guided-missile frigates was awarded by the U.S. Navy recently to Bath Iron Works Corporation, a Congoleum company. The award raises to 16 the. number of the versatile s page: 18
- d m i r a l Kidd Guest Speaker At H a m p t o n Roads SNAME M e e t i ng page: 18
- Passenger/Supply Vessel Delivered By Mississippi Marine page: 18
- Ray Tsuneyoshi Named Vice President For Pacific Towboat page: 18
- GE Wins $11-Million Spanish Ship Control System Contract page: 20
- Bell-Halter To Build Four SES 'Dashboats' For Command Marine page: 21
- Bruce McAllister Named Deputy To Assistant Secretary Of Commerce For Maritime Affairs page: 22
- Brochure Available On 'Sea Fence' Oil Containment Boom page: 22
- Promet Y a r d In Singapore Launches Jackup Barge page: 23
- Zesco W i l l Represent Camar Inert Gas Systems Division page: 23
- R o w a n To P u r c h a se T w o ' G o r i l l a ' Rigs F r o m M a r a t h on page: 24
- Davie Will Build Two Drill Rigs At Total Cost Of $70 Million page: 24
- New Pall Filter Assembly Is Bi-Directional— Literature Available page: 24
- Three N e w VPs A n d Three Promotions Announced By Halter M a r i ne page: 26
- C r o w l e y M a r i t i me Announces Three N ew M a r k e t i n g Appointments page: 26
- McDermott And Dominion Bridge To Form Joint Venture In Canada page: 26
- Executive Changes Announced At Stanwick page: 26
- New Worthington Pumps Feature Energy Savings —Literature Available page: 26
- Propulsion System For Product Carriers Discussed At P h i l a d e l p h i a SNAME page: 28
- Coast G u a r d Sets Up N e w N a v i g a t i o n Office page: 28
- $2.34-Million Navy Contract Awarded To Sperry Division page: 28
- Literature Available On National Marine Service Master Clock System page: 28
- N e w Low-Stretch Rope Announced By S a m s o n - L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 30
- G.T. F l a n a g a n N a m ed N o r f o l k General M a n a g er For McAllister Bros. page: 30
- Harbor Supply Vessel Completed By Delaware Marine page: 30
- ASNE Delaware Valley Section Hears Paper On Large Gas Turbines page: 30
- McDermott S.E. Asia Subsidiaries Receive $ 6 0 M i l l i o n In Contracts page: 33
- McAllister Begins New Container Feeder Service At Baltimore page: 34
- Auxiliary Oiler For U.S. Navy Christened At Avondale Shipyards page: 34
- Ronald L. Stone Named To Maritime Aids Post page: 36
- MARCO Christens Its First Refrigerated Seawater Trawler page: 36
- Wall Shipyard Completes Custom Sand Barge For RJM page: 36
- Admiral Edwards Receives Shepheard Safety Award page: 39
- FMC Yard Lays Keel For Puget Sound Lines Barge page: 40
- McDermott Shipyard G r o u p Expands Into Mississippi page: 40
- K.K. George A p p o i n t ed O p e r a t i o n s Comptroller At Bethlehem SB Div. page: 40
- F.T. Shaver Appointed Washington Director For Sun Ship page: 40
- M a r a t h o n M a r i n e A w a r ds Contracts For 2 Barges —Will Purchase 2 Tugs page: 42
- Shell Literature Details Benefits Of MVI Lube Oils In Marine Diesels page: 42
- New Garlock Bulletin Presents Wide Variety Of Sealing Devices page: 42
- Canadian And U.K. Companies Form Joint Venture page: 43
- New Control Valve Introduced By Leslie —Literature Available page: 43
- M a r A d Approves Title XI C o v e r i n g $ 3 6 - M i l l i on Conversion Of 'Lurline' page: 44
- M a r i n e Transmission Bulletins A v a i l a b le From T w i n Disc page: 44
- Blount Marine To Build Mini- Liner For Explorer Cruises page: 44
- Advanced Gas Carrier Launched By Moss Rosenberg page: 44
- N e w Drydock Added At McDermott Yard page: 45
- R.H. Cleary To Head N e w York Operations For Systems Engineering page: 45
- More Offshore Orders For Gas Turbines Awarded To Rolls-Royce page: 46
- Drill Rig Commissioned At Bethlehem-Beaumont page: 47
- Neville Jordan To Manage Magnavox London Operation page: 47
- New Phoenix Dispenser Protects Welding Rods- Literature Available page: 47
- NASSCO Will Build Six Tankers At Total Cost Of $ 3 0 0 M i l l i on page: 48
- Robert C. Engram Joins Ryan-Wals h Stevedoring As Vice President page: 48
- $ 2 . 5 - M i l l i o n Expansion Planned For Cargo Carriers' Barge Yard page: 50
- Literature Available On Peabody Holmes Limited Inert Gas Systems page: 50
- W.A. Snell Appointed To Marketing Staff At J.J. Henry Company page: 51
- Senator Daniel Inouye Named 1980 Recipient Of AOTOS Award page: 51
- Port Of A l b a n y A w a r ds $ 5 . 5 - M i l l i o n Contract page: 52
- A l a n Hobbs Joins I M O D C O ' s London Staff page: 52
- J.R. McKenzie Elected Executive VP At SCNO Barge Lines page: 53
- N e w Corporation Formed By Halter M a r i n e And Bell Aerospace Textron page: 53
- F.L. Hamons A p p o i n t ed To H e a d M a r y l a nd Port Development page: 56
- B&W Licenses Y a rd In U r u g u a y To Build Stern Trawlers page: 56
- McGoidrick Elected To Board Of Directors At Barber Steamship page: 57
- Federal Barge Announces Four Executive Promotions page: 58
- Fifth N a v y LHA Commissioned At I n g a l l s S h i p b u i l d i n g Y a rd page: 59
- Crew/Supply Vessel Delivered By Progressive Shipbuilders page: 60
- SNAME Chesapeake Section Examines Propeller Design page: 60
- P.T. V e l i o t i s Elected To Board Of Directors At General Dynamics page: 61
- Ron H. W r i g h t N a m ed V P - E n g i n e e r i n g For Sperry Gyroscope page: 61
- USCG A w a r d s Contract To O f f s h o r e Devices For O i l Spill Recovery System page: 62
- Derby N a m e d M a r k e t i ng M a n a g e r For Crowley's C a r i b b e a n Division page: 62
- Four Assistant VPs N a m e d By I n t e r n a t i o n al M a r i n e Coatings page: 62