Propulsion System For Product Carriers Discussed At P h i l a d e l p h i a SNAME

At a recent meeting of the Philadelphia Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 74 members and guests heard a paper titled "Control and Instrumentation of Slow- Speed Diesels," presented by John W. Dirriwachter, manager, General Regulator Department of Forney Engineering Company.

Prior to the technical session, Section chairman K. Gyswyt presented the following nominations for officers for the 1980-81 season, all of which were carried unanimously: chairman, James J.

Hibbits, General Electric; vice chairman, Thomas P. Campbell, Sun Ship; secretary-treasurer, Dean S. Champlin, Selby Battersby.

Elected to the Executive Committee were: K. Gyswyt (chairman), Charles W. Lofft, and Keith W. Lawrence.

Mr. Dirriwachter's paper centered on the propulsion units for the two products carriers now under construction at Sun Ship in Chester, Pa. for subsidiaries of Sun Oil. The paper also described the control and alarm systems, and some of the inner workings of the slow-speed diesel engine and its main support systems.

Formal discussions of the paper were presented by: Capt. J . Janda, USCG, P h i l a d e l p h i a ; E. Jung, Sulzer Brothers; C. Hatton, Bailey Meter; J.J. Hibbits, General Electric ; and H. Wood, Sun Transport.

Other stories from June 1980 issue


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