F.L. Hamons A p p o i n t ed To H e a d M a r y l a nd Port Development

Maryland Port administrator W. Gregory Halpin has announced the appointment of Frank L. Hamons Jr. as project managerharbor development for the Maryland Port Administration, Baltimore.

Mr. Hamons will be directing his energies toward the single most critical area of attention in the Port of Baltimore—the matter of dredging and further development of port facilities to keep pace with the demands of an ever-increasing import-export market. He will have full responsibility for all dredging and channel projects, including the development of the spoil disposal sites urgently needed in the harbor for both private and Port Administration development and channel deepening.

Mr. Hamons comes to the MPA after six years with the Maryland Water Resources Administration, where most r e c e n t l y he served as Chief of the Planning Division An employee of the State of Maryland since 1967, he first worked as a project leader for the Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs.

Other State service includes two years with the Maryland Fish and Wildlife Administration and two years with the Maryland Fisheries Administration.

Other stories from June 1980 issue


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