M a r i n e Transmission Bulletins A v a i l a b le From T w i n Disc

Twin Disc, I n c o r p o r a t e d of Racine, Wis., a leading manufacturer of marine transmissions in the 70 to 1,600 horsepower range, has recently prepared new literature that is available upon request.

Bulletin 319-MR describes the complete line of 14 marine transmissions.

In addition, a separate bulletin is available covering each of these models giving a complete d e s c r i p t i o n including specifications and easy-to-read charts with horsepower ratings based on given ratios and speed for continuous duty, intermediate duty, and pleasure craft applications.

For a copy of Bulletin 319-MR or individual bulletins on marine transmissions in specific horsepower ranges, write to Lou Peccarelli, Twin Disc, Incorporated, 1328 Racine Street, Racine, Wise.


Other stories from June 1980 issue


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