B&W Licenses Y a rd In U r u g u a y To Build Stern Trawlers
B&W Shipyard and B&W Shipbuilding Services have signed a contract with the shipyard of Tsakos Industrias Navales in Montevideo, Uruguay for construction of B&W trawlers under license.
A few years ago, B&W Shipyard entered the Uruguay market with a new type of stern trawler of about 300 dwt and a cargo hold capacity of about 5,000 boxes of fish.
These trawlers have all been supplied with two-stroke B&W Alpha Diesel engines, type 40726VO of 700 bhp and have aroused great interest. B&W Shipyard has obtained contracts for construction of a total of 11 such trawlers. Three of these trawlers have now been delivered and are already active in the fishing industry.
With reference to the new contract, B&W Shipbuilding Services is assisting Tsakos Industrias Navales in the marketing of the B&W trawler. As contracts for construction of ships are received, this cooperation will be developed further through delivery of drawings and various technical equipment, particularly B&W Alpha engines and B&W know-how including the services of Danish technicians-engineers traveling to Uruguay.
The B&W trawlers have been well received in Uruguay, and the construction of these trawlers at Tsakos Industrias Navales is expected to start within this year. Plans for large-scale development of the fishing industry of Uruguay have created a natural sales area for B&W trawlers, and interest is now spreading to other Latin American countries.
Other stories from June 1980 issue
- L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b l e On Schoellhorn-Albrecht Capstans, Deck Fittings page: 4
- $18-Million Drill Rig Contract Awarded To Ingalls Shipbuilding page: 4
- Seminar O n Shipping F r a u d Prevention Slated For N e w York June 2 6 - 27 page: 6
- Ed w a r d Kaune To Be G e n e r a l M a n a g e r Of Todd-San Francisco page: 6
- Brochure Available From AAT Communications On Wesmar Products page: 7
- Miami Car/Passenger Ferries Designed By Nickum & Spaulding page: 8
- E.K. Arndt Discusses Fuel Conservation At Riverman's Conference page: 8
- Atco Marine Appointed U.S. Agent For Peabody Inert Gas Systems page: 8
- Blount Marine Delivers Offshore Supply Vessel page: 10
- Norshipco Appoints Two N ew Officers, Promotes Five Others page: 10
- Literature A v a i l a b l e On C r a n e Packing's N ew Package Seal Design page: 10
- Gotaverken Signs Contract For $85-Million Semisubmersible page: 10
- Bulk Carrier Delivered By Naikai Zosen Setoda Yard page: 11
- R o l l - O n / R o l l - O f f And Container Carriers page: 12
- Hitachi Awarded $13-Million Contract For Diesel Conversion page: 12
- Levingston Launches U.S.-Flag Bulk Carrier 'Pride Of Texas' page: 12
- Shipbuilding Technology Transfer Discussed By New York SNAME page: 12
- Mini-Tanker 'Dagwood' Delivered By Delaware Marine Shipyard page: 14
- Brochure Available On Columbia Offshore Technical Services Ltd. page: 14
- Executive Changes At O h i o Barge Line And A f f i l i a t e d Companies page: 16
- Floating Drydock Delivered By St. Augustine Trawlers page: 16
- D.M. Surgenor Named VP/General Manager Of Nickum & Spaulding page: 16
- $ 1 9 5 . 4 - M i i l i o n Contract For Three Frigates A w a r d e d To Bath Y a rd page: 17
- A $lS5.4-miIlion contract for c o n s t r u c t i o n of three FFG-7 class guided-missile frigates was awarded by the U.S. Navy recently to Bath Iron Works Corporation, a Congoleum company. The award raises to 16 the. number of the versatile s page: 18
- d m i r a l Kidd Guest Speaker At H a m p t o n Roads SNAME M e e t i ng page: 18
- Passenger/Supply Vessel Delivered By Mississippi Marine page: 18
- Ray Tsuneyoshi Named Vice President For Pacific Towboat page: 18
- GE Wins $11-Million Spanish Ship Control System Contract page: 20
- Bell-Halter To Build Four SES 'Dashboats' For Command Marine page: 21
- Bruce McAllister Named Deputy To Assistant Secretary Of Commerce For Maritime Affairs page: 22
- Brochure Available On 'Sea Fence' Oil Containment Boom page: 22
- Promet Y a r d In Singapore Launches Jackup Barge page: 23
- Zesco W i l l Represent Camar Inert Gas Systems Division page: 23
- R o w a n To P u r c h a se T w o ' G o r i l l a ' Rigs F r o m M a r a t h on page: 24
- Davie Will Build Two Drill Rigs At Total Cost Of $70 Million page: 24
- New Pall Filter Assembly Is Bi-Directional— Literature Available page: 24
- Three N e w VPs A n d Three Promotions Announced By Halter M a r i ne page: 26
- C r o w l e y M a r i t i me Announces Three N ew M a r k e t i n g Appointments page: 26
- McDermott And Dominion Bridge To Form Joint Venture In Canada page: 26
- Executive Changes Announced At Stanwick page: 26
- New Worthington Pumps Feature Energy Savings —Literature Available page: 26
- Propulsion System For Product Carriers Discussed At P h i l a d e l p h i a SNAME page: 28
- Coast G u a r d Sets Up N e w N a v i g a t i o n Office page: 28
- $2.34-Million Navy Contract Awarded To Sperry Division page: 28
- Literature Available On National Marine Service Master Clock System page: 28
- N e w Low-Stretch Rope Announced By S a m s o n - L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 30
- G.T. F l a n a g a n N a m ed N o r f o l k General M a n a g er For McAllister Bros. page: 30
- Harbor Supply Vessel Completed By Delaware Marine page: 30
- ASNE Delaware Valley Section Hears Paper On Large Gas Turbines page: 30
- McDermott S.E. Asia Subsidiaries Receive $ 6 0 M i l l i o n In Contracts page: 33
- McAllister Begins New Container Feeder Service At Baltimore page: 34
- Auxiliary Oiler For U.S. Navy Christened At Avondale Shipyards page: 34
- Ronald L. Stone Named To Maritime Aids Post page: 36
- MARCO Christens Its First Refrigerated Seawater Trawler page: 36
- Wall Shipyard Completes Custom Sand Barge For RJM page: 36
- Admiral Edwards Receives Shepheard Safety Award page: 39
- FMC Yard Lays Keel For Puget Sound Lines Barge page: 40
- McDermott Shipyard G r o u p Expands Into Mississippi page: 40
- K.K. George A p p o i n t ed O p e r a t i o n s Comptroller At Bethlehem SB Div. page: 40
- F.T. Shaver Appointed Washington Director For Sun Ship page: 40
- M a r a t h o n M a r i n e A w a r ds Contracts For 2 Barges —Will Purchase 2 Tugs page: 42
- Shell Literature Details Benefits Of MVI Lube Oils In Marine Diesels page: 42
- New Garlock Bulletin Presents Wide Variety Of Sealing Devices page: 42
- Canadian And U.K. Companies Form Joint Venture page: 43
- New Control Valve Introduced By Leslie —Literature Available page: 43
- M a r A d Approves Title XI C o v e r i n g $ 3 6 - M i l l i on Conversion Of 'Lurline' page: 44
- M a r i n e Transmission Bulletins A v a i l a b le From T w i n Disc page: 44
- Blount Marine To Build Mini- Liner For Explorer Cruises page: 44
- Advanced Gas Carrier Launched By Moss Rosenberg page: 44
- N e w Drydock Added At McDermott Yard page: 45
- R.H. Cleary To Head N e w York Operations For Systems Engineering page: 45
- More Offshore Orders For Gas Turbines Awarded To Rolls-Royce page: 46
- Drill Rig Commissioned At Bethlehem-Beaumont page: 47
- Neville Jordan To Manage Magnavox London Operation page: 47
- New Phoenix Dispenser Protects Welding Rods- Literature Available page: 47
- NASSCO Will Build Six Tankers At Total Cost Of $ 3 0 0 M i l l i on page: 48
- Robert C. Engram Joins Ryan-Wals h Stevedoring As Vice President page: 48
- $ 2 . 5 - M i l l i o n Expansion Planned For Cargo Carriers' Barge Yard page: 50
- Literature Available On Peabody Holmes Limited Inert Gas Systems page: 50
- W.A. Snell Appointed To Marketing Staff At J.J. Henry Company page: 51
- Senator Daniel Inouye Named 1980 Recipient Of AOTOS Award page: 51
- Port Of A l b a n y A w a r ds $ 5 . 5 - M i l l i o n Contract page: 52
- A l a n Hobbs Joins I M O D C O ' s London Staff page: 52
- J.R. McKenzie Elected Executive VP At SCNO Barge Lines page: 53
- N e w Corporation Formed By Halter M a r i n e And Bell Aerospace Textron page: 53
- F.L. Hamons A p p o i n t ed To H e a d M a r y l a nd Port Development page: 56
- B&W Licenses Y a rd In U r u g u a y To Build Stern Trawlers page: 56
- McGoidrick Elected To Board Of Directors At Barber Steamship page: 57
- Federal Barge Announces Four Executive Promotions page: 58
- Fifth N a v y LHA Commissioned At I n g a l l s S h i p b u i l d i n g Y a rd page: 59
- Crew/Supply Vessel Delivered By Progressive Shipbuilders page: 60
- SNAME Chesapeake Section Examines Propeller Design page: 60
- P.T. V e l i o t i s Elected To Board Of Directors At General Dynamics page: 61
- Ron H. W r i g h t N a m ed V P - E n g i n e e r i n g For Sperry Gyroscope page: 61
- USCG A w a r d s Contract To O f f s h o r e Devices For O i l Spill Recovery System page: 62
- Derby N a m e d M a r k e t i ng M a n a g e r For Crowley's C a r i b b e a n Division page: 62
- Four Assistant VPs N a m e d By I n t e r n a t i o n al M a r i n e Coatings page: 62