N e w Low-Stretch Rope Announced By S a m s o n - L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le

A new synthetic fiber rope designed for applications where manila has long been used has been developed by Samson Ocean Systems, Inc. of Boston. Called Hy- Grip Spun Braid, this new doublebraided rope uses the Samson Parallay™ construction combined with Type 77 polyester fiber and Samson's advanced Duron fiber technology.

Samson Hy-Grip f e a t u r e s a nubby surface that is said to provide excellent knot holding and smooth handling. The doublebraid construction is torque-free and non-kinking for smoother working in blocks and fairleads where manila rope has been used previously. It can be spliced according to standard Samson procedures.

Hy-Grip conforms to Mil Spec MIL-R-24536, which is described as rope, fibers, double-braided, continuous polyester filament with a staple — developed by the government for the replacement of manila by the U.S. Navy, Army, and Air Force. Specialized applications include in-haul and outhaul lines, halyards, and as highline transfer line.

The new rope is available in a size range from %-inch circumference (Vi-inch diameter) to 5-inch circumference (1%-inch diameter) , and with minimum breaking strengths from 1,700 to 50,000 pounds. Elongation of Hy-Grip is reported to be under 25 percent at break.

For free literature on Hy-Grip Spun Braid, write to Gale Foster, Samson Ocean Systems, 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110.

Other stories from June 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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