Literature Available On Peabody Holmes Limited Inert Gas Systems

A new brochure, Publication 84, describing the inert gas systems for tankers designed and manufactured by Peabody Holmes Ltd.

of the U.K. is available from the company's exclusive U.S. representative, Atco Marine Corporation of Brooklyn, N.Y.

During recent years standards and regulations concerning safety at sea have become increasingly more stringent. Marine inert gas s y s t e m s supplied by Peabody Holmes conform to the current requirements of a number of international bodies and associations including the American Bureau of Shipping, Det norske Veritas, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, the I n t e r - G o v e r n m e n t al Maritime Consultative Organization, and the U.K. Department of Trade and Industry.

The technology embodied in the Peabody inert gas system is based on extensive practical experience gained during 40 years of plant design for industrial pollution control.

The heart of the Peabody marine system is the impingement plate scrubber designed to give exceptionally high efficiencies for the removal of particulate matter and sulphur compounds.

This brochure contains a flow diagram showing the relationship between all components in the system, and an isometric drawing of the inert gas scrubber.

For a free copy of Peabody's Publication 84, write to George C. Grimbilas, Dept. MR, Atco Marine Corporation, 603 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11238.

Other stories from June 1980 issue


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