New Officers Elected At NCAA National Conference

The Naval Civilian Administration Association's (NCAA) 35th National Conference was recently conducted in Charleston, S.C.

The NCAA is a national organization of senior- level managers employed in Navy Civil Service. It has chapters at 13 Naval establishments, including seven shipyards, three major aviation facilities, a weapons station, and a division of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. The Conference was hosted by the Charleston Naval Shipyard Chapter.

Agenda items studied included opposition to administrative impediments to processing travel claims, and opposition to a Social Security/ Civil Service Retirement merger; concern over administration of the Merit Pay System and over contracting-out trends; and support of a 600-ship Navy and of productivity enhancement efforts. Speakers included Jim Colvard, Deputy Chief of the Naval Material Command, and Dr. Jim Tweedale, Director of Productivity in the Department of Navy Secretariat.

New officers elected at the Conference were Henry Romero as national president; Joseph Zurzolo as national vice president; Ellyn Robinson as national secretary; and Bill Cox as national treasurer.

Other stories from August 15, 1981 issue


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