BFGoodrich Offers New Brochure On Cutless Line Of Rubber Bearings

The complete line of Cutless® brand rubber bearings is the subject of a new two-color, four-page brochure from BFGoodrich of Akron, Ohio. Featuring an exclusive water wedge design and broad application flexibility, Cutless rubber bearings are a product of years of research and development by BFGoodrich and Lucian Q. Mofhtt, Inc.

The bearings' water wedge design provides maximum lubrication for both bearing and shaft. Tough but resilient, rubber bearings are resistant to oil, grease, and most chemical solutions, and have a very low coefficient of friction when wet. Ideal for marine and industrial applications, they are said to last many times longer than hard-surfaced bearings.

Particularly helpful in this new brochure are details of Cutless brand bearings designs. Bearings are available with either metal or non-metallic shells. Those with metal backing come in either a fullmolded style of solid or split design, or in a segmented style. Also available is information on BFGoodrich's recently patented FE (fiberglass epoxy) bearing.

For a free copy of Brochure LQM 101, Circle 54 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 9,  Dec 15, 1984

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