Brochure On Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems Offered By Walter Kidde

Walter Kidde, Division of Kidde, Inc., Wake Forest, N.C., has published a 12-page brochure on Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems.

On opening the brochure, one reads: "Who Said 'Water is Cheap'?

Try it on Computer Room Fires!" It is then explained that Halon 1301 is a safe gaseous extinguishing agent that diffuses into the surrounding atmosphere without leaving a residue, and that most materials (steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and other metals as well as plastics, rubber and electronic components) are unaffected by 1301. Halon 1301 extinguishes a fire by chemically "interrupting" the combustion process and this "clean" quality is particularly important in protecting expensive electronic, electrical, processing equipment and high value materials.

Classified as the "least toxic" (Group 6) by Underwriters Laboratories, 1301 provides great personnel safety. Colorless and odorless, 1301 allows personnel to see and breathe, permitting them to leave the fire area safely. The "low toxicity" classification provides additional safety by permitting fire protection crews to enter the fire area immediately, if necessary.

The publication emphasizes that Kidde's capability in the fire protection field extends over a wide spectrum— from detection systems and components to portable extinguishers and engineered fire protection systems using the most effective agent to solve a particular protection problem. The five basic components in Kidde engineered Halon 1301 fire protection systems are discussed (detectors, controls, cylinders, piping and nozzles), and the principles on which the systems work are throughly explained with photographs and diagrams generously supplied to illustrate the text.

For further information and a free copy of the brochure on Kidde Halon 1301 systems, Circle 25 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 6,  Dec 15, 1984

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