Hose-McCann Introduces Dial Telephone System

—Literature Available After two years of technological and marketing research, Hose- McCann Telephone Company of Englewood, N.J., has developed a completely new automatic dial telephone system. The modular, solidstate system has been developed exclusively for the maritime industries.

The company's primary objective was to build a marine communications system with the highest degree or reliability, flexibility, and optimum performance. Known as the Series 9000, this system is said to have many features never before available in marine telephone exchanges.

Most features are included as standard equipment; some optional features are available for special requirements.

According to Hose-McCann vice president of marketing Dean Uva, the Series 9000 will provide marine personnel with a sophisticated system equal to the finest land-based telephone system.

For further information and a new brochure on the Series 9000, Circle 48 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 7,  Dec 15, 1984

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Maritime Reporter

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