Crosby Group Adds New Block To Product Line

—Full Catalog Available new try net block has been added to its line of marine products by The Crosby Group, Inc. of Tulsa, Okla. The all-steel Crosby F-453 block with a 6-inch-diameter forged steel sheave with flame-hardened groove is capable of handling multiline feeds through its extra-side, flared throat opening.

Another feature of the F-453 is that the swivel eye, as well as the center pin, is lubricated. The new block is hot dipped galvanized for enhanced corrosion resistance, and has a working load limit of 5 tons.

The Crosby Group, a Division of Amhoist, is comprised of Laughlin, Lebus, McKissick, National, and Western. These companies manufacture every conceivable kind of fitting and accessories for deck machinery, cargo handling, and other applications, including forged fittings, hooks, blocks, sheaves, pulleys, load binders, and chain.

For further information on The Crosby Group, and a free 180-page full-color catalog describing all of the products of all divisions, Circle 52 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 37,  Dec 15, 1984

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