Trilling Medical's 'Water-Jet': Unique Product For Emergency Burn Care And Fire Protection

Water-Jel® from Trilling Medical Technologies, Inc., Ridgefield Park, N.J., is described as a unique multi-use product for emergency burn care and fire protection, designed to help save lives and maximize the relief of pain and suffering caused by burns.

According to a spokesman for the company, "With this product, you just open the patented Water-Jel packet or container and apply the gelsoaked special carrier to the burn area. No special training is required." According to the company, Water-Jel immediately lowers and stabilizes skin temperature, easing the pain and calming the patient. Because the product is bacteriostatic, the covered wound is protected from further contamination.

Also, the product is water soluble, making it easy to remove burnt clothing without further damage to the wound.

Water-Jel comes in a variety of sizes that can easily be carried in all types of vehicles or stored in areas that are readily accessible to rescuers or burn victims. The company says the product is ideal for all potential fire or burn areas including industrial, emergency medical, government, military, and commercial.

For more information and free literature on Water-Jel from Trilling Medical Technologies, Circle 87 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from December 1988 issue


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