March 1977 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Great Lakes & European Names Merz Manager European Operations

Great Lakes & European Lines (GLE), 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, 111. 60606, has opened offices in Bremen, Germany, and Glasgow, Scotland, under the direction of Manfred Merz. Before being reassigned as manager of GLE's European operations, Mr. Merz headed up GLE's New York regional offices.

GLE, which has increased its fleet size and base ports of call, has added the Port of Bremerhaven to its weekly ports of call.

One of the Continent's most modern port facilities, Bremerhaven is easily linked to the German Railroad network. Day and night rail service connects the Port of Bremerhaven to more than 50 major European industrial centers. Water transportation also increases the ea?e with which cargo is shipped to such places as the Scandinavian countries.

With its newly approved West Coast service, West Coast shippers will be provided with a weekly service to the Continent and United Kingdom via the Port of Chicago, where GLE's containerships will pick up and deliver cargo originating in and destined for the U.S. West Coast.

Other stories from March 1977 issue


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.