Shell Literature Details Benefits Of MVI Lube Oils In Marine Diesels

Taking note of the growing worldwide shortage of suitable crudes from which to refine medium viscosity index (MVI) lube oils, Shell Oil Company has prepared new literature pointing out the historically proven benefits of MVI lube oils for mediumspeed diesel engines, and describing the company's efforts to help alleviate the MVI lube oil shortage for U.S. customers.

Acknowledging the fact that engine manufacturers now have lube oil standards for warranty and service requirements that permit the use of oils with viscosity indexes as high as 100 in recognition of the growing MVI oil shortage, Shell maintains that it should be able to continue to supply premium lube oils in the viscosity index range of 60-70 for the foreseeable future. The literature graphically illustrates operating benefits with engine teardown photographs.

Free copies of the literature (request No. SOC: 201-80) may be obtained by writing to William Merritt, Manager Commercial Communications, Dept. MR, Shell Oil Company, One Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77001.

Other stories from June 15, 1980 issue


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