April 1983 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Safety Watch System For Diesel Ships Detailed In National Control Brochure

An illustrated product brochure about safety watch systems for diesel-powered vessels describes engine room monitoring- control consoles, bridge consoles, remote controls and alarms built by National Control Systems, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.

Six major consoles and the various remotes for each are completely described with text, photos and diagrams.

The systems are designed and built for reduced engine room manning levels in accordance with ABS and USCG rules and regulations. Safety watch syser is owned by the American Trading Transportation Co. of Baltimore, Md.

A major portion of the contract will be the installation of an inert-gas system in compliance with the forthcoming re- ;„„, „•!-„ „ 13—^ tems are tailored to any dieselpowered vessel from standardized components, resulting in custom built performance at economical cost.

The brochure also identifies the owners and vessels now using National equipment worldwide.

For a free copy of the "Safety Watch" brochure, Write 32 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 1983 issue


Maritime Reporter

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