Medium Maritime Reporter 1989 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989"By halting the discharge of plastic waste from ships, we are taking a major step to protect the world's marine environment," said Secretary of Transportation Samuel K. Skinner recently in announcing an interim final rule that prohibits the dumping of plastics, including synthetic fishing ne
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Dakar Marine, Senegal, West Africa, recently performed an emergency drydocking on the USNS Dutton, according to exclusive U.S. representative Wesley D. Wheeler. The Victory Class Dutton was originally the steam-propelled Tuskegee Victory operated by LSC Marine, Inc., Wilmington, Del., for the
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Drew Ameroid® recently introduced another "Added Value" solution to marine fuel problems— Amergy® 222 fuel oil conditioner, a premium blend of solvents, dispersants, surfactants, and detergents which minimizes the effect of fuel instability and incompatibility. This technologically advanced
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Color Brochure Offered MAN B&W's objective at their Alpha Diesel Frederikshavn establishment is to meet the day-to-day requirements and improvements for efficient and reliable ship propulsion systems in all types of vessels. There are few manufacturers with more experience than Alpha Diese
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The Koopnautic Company of Holland, with its years of experience in stabilization and side thrusters, has engineered a new method of roll-damping. To improve fin-blade methods, Koopnautic has engineered equipment with greater machinery strengths. The latest electronics, roll gyro, fin-blades
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Valmet Automation a.s., Norway, has developed a computer-based, integrated bridge control system for medium- and slow-speed engines. Based on experience from the integrated automation system, Damatic Marine System, which comprises monitoring and control of main and auxiliary engines, the new
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The steamboat Delta Queen, owned and operated by the Delta Queen Steamboat Co. of New Orleans, La., was recently fitted with two Watercom payphones. John G. Smith, vice president of marketing and sales for Watercom, stated, "All passengers and crew will now have 24-hour access to direct dia
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989FMC Fluid Control Operation has issued a 20-page, four-color brochure featuring its new Dynetor® Connectors. As described in the brochure, Dynetor Connectors are designed to replace flanges and clamp-type connections in applications from 1-1/2 to 6-inch sizes. Dynetor Connectors weigh from
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The American Waterways Shipyard Conference (AWSC) recently held its first membership meeting for 1989 in Tampa, Fla. At this meeting, the shipyard conference elected its officers for 1989. C.H. Walters, National Maintenance & Repair, Inc., was elected to serve as chairman for 1989, and John
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Morrison Molded Fiber Glass Company (MMFG) of Bristol, Va., recently announced that major changes in Duradek® fiberglass grating have recently been made to improve and upgrade the product and make it more readily available to the customer. Over one million dollars' worth of the new product
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989At the annual board of directors meeting of Phillips Cartner & Co., Inc., Alexandria, Va., Dr. John A. Cartner was reelected chairman, Robert W. Urban was elected director, managing principal and chief executive officer, and John A. Kupersmith was elected director and principal in charge of
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989SPD Technologies has been awarded a $6.7-million contract to design and produce the 5,000-volt switchgear for the U.S. Navy's surface ship Integrated Electric Drive Program. The contract was awarded by General Electric's Naval and Drive Turbine System Division in Fitchburg, Mass., prime con
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989—Free Brochure Available— Marine Gears, Inc., Greenville, Miss., is offering the new Haley MGI "Torsionally Resilient" Marine Clutch in ten sizes ranging from 800 to 6,250 hp. Available in stock and ready for immediate delivery, all "TR" Series Marine Clutch components—rims, tubes and sho
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989The Copenhagen-based yard Burmeister & Wain, recently delivered the Petrobulk Jupiter, the 11th ship in a series of Panamax product tankers. The vessel has gone on time-charter to Shell International Marine Ltd. for a period of five years. This is the first in a batch of five sister vessels
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Official plans have been announced for the 1989 International Maritime Exposition, which is held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). In past years, the show's primary exhibitor focus has been the design, construction, use, a
- Trinity Marine Group Delivers Detroit Diesel-Powered Ferry To Texas Transportation Department page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Moss Point Marine, Inc. of the Trinity Marine Group has delivered the 100-foot passenger and vehicle ferry Mark G. Goode to the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation. It has joined six other ferries working between Port Aransas and Aransas Pass, Texas, near Corpus Chri
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Maritime Reporter
on June 1989Campbell Shipyard recently launched its first Super Pacific Class tuna purse seiner, the Margaret Z, being built for the Margaret Z Fishing Company. The vessel is 257 feet long and has a 1,500-ton fishcarrying capacity. According to Campbell, the new purse seiner design will achieve up to 3
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1989In the aftermath of the grounding of the Exxon Valdez and the ensuing oil spill in Prince William Sound, there has been considerable interest in resources available for pilot and deck officer training in such environmentally sensitive areas. In response to requests from TV and other news med
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1989Elomatic Group of Turku, Finland, one of the leading design offices in Europe specializing in shipbuilding and marine engineering, is offering a free 12-page full-color brochure on its engineering expertise. Elomatic Group, which serves the international market, performs innovative cost-effe
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1989M-Class Design Candidate For ANZAC Program The Royal Schelde shipyard of the Netherlands recently christened and launched the second in a series of eight new class frigates for the Royal Netherlands Navy. The Willem van der Zaan is the second multipurpose frigate of the new Karel Doorman C