Medium Maritime Reporter 2003 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2003A. K. Suda. Inc. was approached by LaForce Shipyard of Bayou LaBatre, Ala. to design a crew/supply boat that would be faster, carry more deck load and more passengers and still be delivered at an economical price. The result is the 160 x 32-ft. (48.7 x 9.7-m) high-speed crew/supply boat that wa
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2003Northrop Grumman Corporation said that aircraft carrier, Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), returned to the Newport News sector following successful completion of initial sea trials — deeming that Reagan's two nuclear propulsion plants and their operators are fully mission capable. Adm. Frank L. "Skip"
- Inmarsat Launch New Fleet Services page: 16
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2003Inmarsat has launched the commercial availability of the Fleet F55 and Fleet F33, incorporating global voice, and a range of fax and data services. Inmarsat Fleet F55 and F33 are designed to bring the benefits of satellite communications to vessels, which were previously restricted by size an
- BASS Provides New CrewNet Version page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on June 2003BASS released its re-engineered BASS CrewNet Version 2.3- Crew/Human Resource Management System. BASS CrewNet Version 2.3 provides users with an open system that can communicate with other business applications through an integration engine called BASS Integrator. With this release of v2.3,
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Created with the premise of reversing the process of fuel breakdown, Algae- X's fuel conditioning process optimizes fuel droplet size, which is designed to result in combustion efficiency, improved filterability, as well as lower operating costs. Based in Fort Meyers, Fla., Algae-X provides
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Onboard-NAPA Power is a state-ofthe- art optimization tool for ship operation, developed by Onboard-Napa Ltd. The latest version of Onboard-NAPA Power features automatic ship-to-shore reporting of fuel consumption and fuel inventory with Web-browser-based viewing. The complete 3-D hydrodynam
- EMMIF: Getting Heavy With Bunkers page: 58
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Higher viscosity bunker fuels do not automatically contain more harmful elements than lighter ones, according to ExxonMobil Marine Fuels (EMMF), which has recently been supplying 500 centiStokes fuel in response to customer demand. Emphasizing that quality and safety must be prime consideratio
- Lube Oils on Test page: 57
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Modern tools of research take many, increasingly high-technology forms, but large test machinery is especially apposite to the marine field, with its blend of applied science and solid, practical disciplines. Giving tangible form to a commitment to developing lube oils suited to evolving techni
- Custom Solutions page: 52
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Located in Nova Scotia is a third generation family boatbuilding company known as Rosborough Boats. The company was established in 1955 when James D. Rosborough began retrieving former Grand Banks fishing schooners from Newfoundland and rebuilding them into Sailing Yachts, Motor Sailors, and
- The Wartsila Dual-Fuel Engine page: 41
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003The latest gas engines introduced to the Wartsila family are the Wartsila 32DF and Wartsila 50DF engines. Wartsila successfully completed the factory acceptance test of the first Wartsila 50DF engine in a series of four dual-fuel engines for a 74,000 cu. m. LNG carrier. The vessel is currently
- A Multi-Billion Opportunity page: 40
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003A number of factors, including instability in world oil markets at times, the return of bitter cold winters to the energy-hungry U.S. Northeast, and advances in the collection. transportation and cost-effective delivery of (primarily LNG) gas, have conspired to make this the decade of gas, and
- Tribon M2 Enhanced Again page: 39
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Service Pack 3 of the Tribon M2 Shipbuilding system was released in early April, a version that includes further improved production information in the Assembly and Weld Planning applications and the new function Recording of Walk Tiirough Paths in the Design Manager application. A new metho
- Nor-Shipping 2003: Bigger Than Ever page: 37
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003When Nor-Shipping 2003 opens its doors on June 3 to the 19th shipping trade fair, nearly 1,400 exhibitors with close to 6,000 individuals representing more than 30 nations, will dominate the large new exhibition and congress center in Lillestr0m, which is just outside the city center The pre
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003In true Norwegian fashion, the Norwegian Shipowners' Association does not shy from the fact that its power base is shrinking. But, the organization does not concede defeat, and is a powerful lobbyist in helping to rouse political and industry support for measures that could help right the sh
- Frontline Continues to Blaze a Path page: 24
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Plenty of companies talk the talk. Frontline also walks the walk. A large, young, double hull fleet, which is a market trend setter is an apt desire for most any company that carries oil from point A to B. Frontline, has sped from zero to 60 at record pace. Hatched in 1996 over frustration st
- Farstad Shipping Goes Big page: 24
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003Farstad Shipping ASA is a valued Norwegian owner/oper ator of offshore supply vessels, well regarded for its innovative approach but reliance on conservative values in rela tion to safety of ships and crew. The company, which has steadily built its fleet and reputation in the offshore sector s
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003The Coast Guard will purchase up to 700 new Defender Class Response Boats from SAFE Boats International of Port Orchard, Wash. The new Defender Class boats, which will be used in homeland security missions, will replace nearly 300 non-standard shore based boats and provide a standardized plat
- NASSCO Delivers First of ORCA Class page: 10
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2003National Steel and Shipbuilding Company, (NASSCO) has delivered the M.V. Midnight Sun to Totem Ocean Trailer Express, Inc. (TOTE). The Midnight Sun is the first commercial dry cargo vessel to be built in the U.S. in 10 years and the first of two new ORCAclass trailerships being built by NASSC
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2003In a bold move. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), in partnership with 12 professional naval architecture and marine engineering organizations from around the globe, has created The World Maritime Technology Conference and Exposition. From October 17-20, 2003 in Sa
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2003The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) was part of the U.S. delegation to the International Maritime Organization (IMO)-STW-34 meeting held in London from February 24-28, 2003. At this meeting, the I MO established the basic framework and competencies for the Port