Jane's Fighting Ships 1977-78 Revised Edition
The 1977-78 edition of Jane's Fighting Ships maintains the format initiated in the previous edition.
In addition, a new section of ship silhouettes and a worldwide pennant list of major surface ships have been added to assist recognition. With complete revision of all data and well over 1,200 photographs and line illustrations, the book provides the most comprehensive and up-todate reference book now available.
At a time when President Carter's Administration is conducting a searching inquiry into the defense needs of the United States, and against the background of endless arguments over defense spending in the NATO countries, the steady advance of Soviet forces in both quantity and quality has continued during the past year. An analysis of the role of the Soviet aircraft carriers of the Kiev class, armed with eight surface-to-surface missile launchers, both antiair and anti-submarine missiles, as well as more conventional gun and A / S armament, both hull and towed sonar, in addition to their VSTOL aircraft and helicopters, suggests that these ships could well have an important intervention role in peacetime and will go far to augment the Soviet's capability to initiate sea-control of specific areas as the worldwide capabilities of the Western navies diminish with their shrinking numbers.
The comparative roles of submarines are highlighted, particularly in the ballistic-missile field.
The Soviet submarine program has continued at the rate of some 12 a year, six SSBNs being of the "Delta I" and huge "Delta II" (16,000 tons) classes. An improved version of their basic missile, the SS-N-8, was launched in November 1976 to a range of 5,600 nautical miles, allowing a coverage of nearly half the world from a firing position off northern Soviet bases. At the same time, trials of a new missile, SS-NX-18, were carried out to a range of 4,600 nautical miles. This liquidfueled rocket with a triple warhead is being deployed in the "Delta" class during 1977. It appears probable that their 1,300- nautical-mile SS-N-6 missiles will be replaced this year by the new SS-NX-17, a solid-fueled weapon with a range of 2,400 nautical miles. This gives the USSR a capability unlikely to be matched by the West until the 1980s. Although the Soviet surface fleet has an increasing A/S and missile potential and has insured itself with anchorages and berthing facilities throughout the world, giving it the capability to deploy in security to all the major strategical maritime area, it is now facing the facts of obsolescence as well as man-power problems.
In the United States, the immediate results on naval appropriations appropriations are not entirely clear, but it does seem that the nuclear strike-cruiser program is likely to be deleted for the time being, submarine programs are being adjusted and the hydrofoil program has been canceled at one craft. At the same time, the characteristics of the next class of aircraft carriers show a return to conventional propulsion for ships designed to carry about 60 aircraft, a change of policy advocated in this book four years n ago. The plain fact is that after a slump in building, available numbers in the active fleet are rising, and this is vital for a navy with worldwide commitments.
With an all-volunteer navy, the United States has the edge on so many rivals despite recurrent problems in certain spheres.
In NATO, problems of standardization and compatibility remain, and will become increasingly acute as the costs of weap- ~ - ons systems rise dramatically.
With the life of ships now commissioned reaching into the 21st century, the problems of alternative types of propulsion to the oil-fueled boilers and engines become more acute and deserve urgent attention.
"Jane's Fighting Ships 1977- 78." Edited by John Moore. 329 pages. Price $72.50. Jane's USA, a Division of Franklin Watts, Inc., 730 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10019.
Other stories from September 15, 1977 issue
- Estimated Foreign Cost Of Two LNG Carriers $115.5 Million Each page: 6
- Bethlehem Steel Names G.Y. Marriner Manager San Francisco Yard page: 7
- AMPAC To Build Four Container Feeder Ships At Cost Of $92 Million page: 7
- SNAME New York Section Announces Program For 1977/1978 Season page: 8
- Marathon Manufacturing Adds $61 Million To Drilling Rig Backlog page: 9
- Role Of Ro/Ro Shipping In Dry Cargo Trade page: 12
- Port Of New Orleans Presents Key To City To Egyptian Official page: 13
- Morris Guralnick Associates, Inc. Name Hubert E. Russell page: 14
- Hillman-Designed New Class Towboat Delivered To Exxon At Baton Rouge page: 19
- $45-Million Subsidy Repayment Approved page: 23
- Bethlehem Steel Shipbuilding Names Roland V. Danielson —Hollinshead De Luce Retires page: 26
- Perspectives On Third World Port Development page: 30
- Farrell Sale And Leaseback Agreement Approved By MarAd page: 32
- Delta Steamship Names Badger And Collins page: 32
- CCN Of Brazil Launches New Type Bulk Carrier page: 33
- 51st Annual Propeller Club Convention And 1977 American Merchant Marine Conference Set For Galveston, Texas, Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13 And 14 page: 34
- Bulletin Describes Heavy-Duty Oil Filtration Systems page: 35
- Eight-Page Brochure Describes National's Fully Hydraulic Cranes page: 35
- Todd Shipyards Los Angeles Division Lays Keel For First Of Six U.S. Navy Frigates page: 38
- MacGregor Slewing Ramps Successfully Tested page: 39
- Skagit Corporation Announces European Dealership Agreement page: 40
- FMC Marine & Rail Lays Keel For Ro/Ro Barge To Carry 374 Forty-Foot Truck Trailers page: 40
- Egyptian Shipyard Receives License To Build Willard Boats page: 42
- Bergeron Industries Names Captain Tatman page: 42
- Port Authorities (AAPA) 66th Annual Convention Set For Mexico City page: 43
- Tanker Design Change Approved By MSB page: 44
- Mitsubishi Receives Tug Barge Systems' License To Build page: 46
- Norshipco Dedicates New $5-Million Repair Pier page: 47
- Fetzner Named President Sun Trading & Marine page: 48
- Jane's Fighting Ships 1977-78 Revised Edition page: 49
- Stanford Research Awarded $271,000 For Firefighting Study page: 50
- Renegotiation Board Erred In Computing Lockheed Steel Usage page: 51
- Pott Industries Names Miller VP Offshore Marine Services Div. page: 54
- Capt. James F. McNulty New Dean At Maine Maritime Academy page: 56
- Richard Daschbach Named Federal Maritime Commission Chairman page: 57
- Keene Brochure Describes Marine Discharge Control System page: 57