T r i m b l e N a v i g a t i o n I n t r o d u c es The M o d e l 3 0 0 L O R A N C o m p u t er — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le

The Trimble Navigation Model 300 LORAN Computer combines LORAN-C technology, state-of-the-art computer technology, and traditional dead-reckoning navigation in one small, easy to use package. It gives the navigational information rapidly and with accuracy.

In its Dead Reckoning Mode it can compute dead-reckoning position when loran signals have been temporarily lost or when out of range of loran.

A Track Mode stores the latest loran and/or satellite position fixes in memory. This feature lets one retrace or review the vessel's course and is invaluable should one lose loran reception. It can provide an accurate starting position for dead reckoning.

Set and drift are computed by the Trimble Model 300 LORAN Computer and are available at the press of a key. Set and drift are calculated using speed and heading and loran position.

Waypoint switching can be manual or automatic, and one can be copied into another.

Waypoint functions are the same whether used in dead reckoning or with loran.

When used with external transducers or other navigational aids, the Model 300 becomes the center of a complete navigation system coordinating information from a number of sources.

For complete details and free literature on the Trimble Model 300 LORAN Computer, C i r c l e 5 5 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from April 15, 1984 issue


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