American Appoints Monaco New Cordage Engineer

American Manufacturing Co., Inc. of Lafayette, La., one of the country's largest producers of rope and cordage products, recently announced the appointment of Albert T. Monaco as cordage engineer.

Mr. Monaco has spent the last 35 years in a variety of engineering, research and sales positions in the rope and fiber industry. Most recently, he was in cordage and sales engineering with Wall Industries where he was instrumental in the development of a wide range of new products. Previously, he held management positions with Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Beacon Management Counselors and the Industrial Rayon Corp.

During his career, Mr. Monaco has been deeply involved in design and development of new rope and fiber technologies. He has helped create federal, industrial and customer rope specifications as well as aiding customers in the technical aspects of rope use. Mr. Monaco provides technical advice to lawyers and insurance companies and has been called as a technical expert in rope liability cases.

He has been an active member of the Cordage Institute Technical Committee for more than 15 years and has chaired the A.S.T.M. subcommittee D13.16 on Ropes and Cordage for over 10 years.

For more information on American Manufacturing rope and cordage products, Circle 26 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from February 1986 issue


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