Station 12 Strives To Corner Satcom
The competitive satellite communications market has taken an additional step toward consolidation, with Station 12 — an independent operating business owned 65 percent by KPN (Royal Dutch Telecom) and 35 percent by Telstra — leading the way having the intention of cornering the market. Station 12 recently outlined its strategy to double its size in the next three years, both through organic growth and acquisitions.
Station 12 already claims to have 24 percent of the competitive Inmarsat maritime and mobile satellite communications sector, with current annual sales of $215 million. This is expected to rise to $500 million by 2003. The company is the largest customer and shareholder in Inmarsat, the leading provider of wholesale satellite airtime. To supplement existing services, Station 12 is considering several possible acquisitions including companies with applications expertise, content, software and other valueadded services. However, the company's initial focus will be integrating the two satellite operations and developing the best services available.
Targeted growth in annual sales is around 30 percent with an operating margin of at least 10 percent.
Newly appointed chief executive, Knut Reed believes that the nature of satcom services is changing, moving from voice 'pipe' to broadband/multimedia end-solutions. Many market changes like deregulation, consolidation and customer focus will reshape the satcom industry.
He notes that users are increasingly looking at satcom to give them total global access. The market will shift from voice to data: by 2004, some 70 percent of all Inmarsat traffic will be data. Indeed, Internet access will become central to many users and, he predicts, up to 10 percent of this access will be served via satellite.
"The key differentiator for Station 12 is our long-term understanding of our customers," said Reed. "We've been working with the maritime industry and remote land area customers for more than 15 years. Our objective is to continue to provide high quality products and services and develop new and advanced services to enable our customers to grow their businesses. We also want to build our content, applications and transactions services; a good illustration is our unique satcom positioning and e-mail application used by fishing fleets." Station 12 offers global connections, combining technical resources with strong sales channels. Much of the company's business is in the maritime sector where it plans to expand services through integrating content and applica- tions with the intention of strengthening its position as the preferred end-to-end solution provider.
In order to achieve its growth objective, the company plans to aggressively expand its services into the fixed satellite business. This is a sector where there is considerable growth potential for services such as VSAT, IP backbone, high speed Internet and multimedia.
Reed said that to achieve these targets, the company is strengthening the management team. He has joined the company from a position in international management with Norwegian telecom leader, Telenor, and already he has reshaped the organization of Station 12, creating two major operating business units. Station 12 sales and marketing director, Michiel Struijk has been appointed to head the Mobile Satcom Division. The company is searching for a top industry professional to head the Fixed Satcom Division.
Michael P. Smith, previously general manager for Telstra Global Satellite, has joined the company to head a new function in corporate strategy and communications.
Paul Peppelman becomes responsible for network operations, including the Netherlands and Perth land earth stations, the company's link into the satellite network.
The company will operate from its head office in The Hague, with a strong presence in Australia and selected markets. The CFO for the new company is Ron Kevenaar, previously financial officer within KPN Satcom.
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- Gas Turbine v. Diesel Debate Heats Up With Delivery of New Millennium page: 29
- McNeece Design Stresses Security page: 31
- Station 12 Strives To Corner Satcom page: 32
- Satellite Communications page: 34
- GOM: Number Of Floating Production Systems Projected To Rise page: 36
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- German Yard Implements Nupas-Cadmatic page: 43
- Autoship Upgrades Several Products page: 43
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- Mack Powers Into Maritime Market page: 48
- Marine Diesel Propulsion: Where Less Is More page: 51
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- Bollinger-Built Tornado Kicks Up A Storm page: 57