Long Maritime Reporter Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Although the well-known Finnish company Wärtsilä has a very long history, it was founded in 1834, the diesel engine era begins when the company signs a license agreement with Friedrich Krupp Germania Werft AG in Germany. The first diesel engine sees the light of day in Turku in November 1942. From t
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Liebherr has developed a new model: the TCC 14000-400 D Litronic Meeting clients’ requests for cranes with lifting capacities far above the average lifting capacity of conventional mobile harbor cranes, Liebherr has developed a new model: the TCC 14000-400 D Litronic. This combined offshore and mob
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Foreign players continue to dominate several segments of the Indian maritime industry: from salvage to dredging, chartering to ship management and ship manning, to name but a few. And the list of foreign firms setting up shop in India is growing as the country is hurriedly putting in place the requi
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013No industry has escaped the economic changes of the last decade, and the marine industry is certainly no exception. But with every economic struggle emerges new solution providers, poised to help fill new needs. St. James Stevedoring Partners LLC is among these innovators in the marine industry.
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Announced in June 2011, Bourbon and CGG entered a five-year charter agreement for a series of six custom newbuild seismic support vessels. Now more than two years later, the third ship in the series, Bourbon Gannet, is due to enter service in the early part of 2014, following the launch of the first
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013The platform supply vessel World Diamond was delivered by Damen Shipyards, Galati, on June 28, 2013, to World Wide Supply. The PSV was built to a completely new and distinctive design from Damen, and World Diamond is the first of six PSVs for the Norwegian owner. The vessel is capable of worldwide o
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Photographs of Maersk Line’s 18,000 TEU ships are flooding in from ports around the world as the carrier phases its giant new vessels phase into the AE10 string between Asia and North Europe. It’s a “Where’s Waldo” with maritime characteristics. Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Hong Kong, Tanjung Pelepas
- Global Port Security and BMT Isis page: 22
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Delivering Optimum Results The operational complexities and changing landscape of ports and terminals continue to present ongoing challenges for port authorities and operators globally. In particular, changing legislation, diversification, security concerns, higher traffic density, larger vessel
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Impact of the Sequester and Budget Showdowns on Ports and Port Security & the Outlook for WRDA This article describes the impact of the “sequester” and budget showdowns on ports and port security, and also gives a preview of the House-Senate Conference on the Water Resources Development Act (WRD
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Export Reform Brings New Compliance Obligations to the Shipbuilding Supply Chain Early in the coming year, the U.S. export control regime governing the shipbuilding supply chain will undergo a sea change with the implementation of export reform in the naval and marine categories of the U.S. Munitio
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013On February 12, 2013, President Obama issued Executive Order 13636 – Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Citing repeated electronic intrusions into critical infrastructure, the document states that it is the policy of the United States Government to increase the volume, timeliness, and
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Astrium Services took a survey of seafarer’s usage of crew communication solutions in the commercial shipping sector to establish a picture of mariner communications requirements. According to Tore Morten Olsen, Head of Maritime Services, Astrium Services, the survey was illuminating in more ways th
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013A new survey from Moore Stephens finds that vessel operating costs are expected to rise by more than 3% in both 2013 and 2014. While this news should not be unexpected it is nevertheless bad news for ship owners that continue to struggle with low freight rates and over capacity across several oceang
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013It is the newest and most transformational warship ever built, and yet it has also had the longest gestation period. Whether you call it new or old, you have to call it different. The pedigree for DDG 1000 is not from the Spruance or Arleigh Burke class of guided missile destroyers, but rather
- What’s New with Floating Production? page: 50
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Maritime Reporter
on December 2013Currently, 319 oil/gas floating production units are now in service, on order or available for reuse on another field. FPSOs account for 65% of the existing systems, 75% of systems on order. Another 24 floating LNG processing systems are in service or on order. Liquefaction floaters account for 1
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2013Brazilian superyacht builder MCP Yachts credited Seatorque Control Systems for contributing to the outstanding performance of its latest launch – the Hemisphere 140 Raffaella II. Incorporating Seatorque’s enclosed drive shaft system, the 43m aluminum vessel, powered by twin Caterpillar C32 1825 HP e
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2013Shipbuilding, repair endorsed by government to diversify economy The recent 2013-14 National Budget of Trinidad and Tobago firmly highlighted the government’s intention to endorse Shipbuilding and Repair as a means of diversifying our traditional oil and gas economy. Trinidad & Tobago is in the m
- Product Tanker Hijackings page: 72
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2013Understanding Trends & Tendencies in the Gulf of Guinea Gulf of Guinea piracy presents a radically different picture compared with Somali piracy. Since decades it has been a kaleidoscopic mix of short duration hijackings, militant disruptions, kidnappings, robberies and thefts, depending on the loc
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2013The offshore market continues to be a significant driver for marine innovation, as vessels and their operators are critical factors to ensure that offshore operations – increasingly conducted in deeper, more hostile waters further from shore – are conducted in a safe and efficient manner. Here Marit
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Maritime Reporter
on November 2013Edward Lundquist talks to welder and apprentice instructor Ashley Wilber at BAE Systems Ship Repair’s Norfolk shipyard. Tell me how you came to be a welder here at BAE Systems Ship Repair. I have been here at BAE Systems going on seven years now. I was just doing odd jobs out of high school