Long Maritime Reporter Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013Human Systems Integration (HSI) is a recognized requirement for many organizations. This is rapidly becoming more important as the professional RHIB and high speed craft sector are required to perform increasingly complex tasks. The objective is for marine units to deal with new scenarios, make fast
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013After teaching electrical safety for many years, one tends to understand the regulations, and the standards more than the average safety professional. We live them most every day. We also understand what regulations and standards apply to shipyard employment and what regulations and standards apply
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013I propose that the Legislative, Executive, Judicial Branches of the federal government should cooperatively work toward the rebuilding of the presumption in favor of federal preemption with respect to all matters related to maritime commerce. I also propose that maritime stakeholders undertake meas
- Jumping Off the Fiscal Cliff? page: 14
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013It’s more of a Downward Slope for Maritime, Transportation, and Energy Programs You are not alone if you are bewildered by the talk in Washington about “sequester,” “continuing resolution”, “fiscal cliff,” “budget resolutions,” and “debt ceilings.” Even those of us who think we understand what’s g
- Escort Tugs in San Francisco Bay page: 12
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013Providing Tugs For the Intricate Escort Regulations Of SF Bay Responding to the oil spills of the Exxon Valdez in 1989 and the American Trader in 1990, California enacted the Lempert-Keene-Seastrand Oil Spill Prevention and Response Act (OPA 90). With this act came requirements for tankers to empl
- New Scripps RV Honors Sally Ride page: 10
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Maritime Reporter
on May 2013U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus said the nation’s newest research vessel will be named R/V Sally Ride, in honor of the former UC San Diego faculty member who was the first American female astronaut and the youngest American to fly in space. The ship is owned by the U.S. Navy, will be operated
- Dead in the Water page: 64
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Electrical System Failure at Sea The world watched as the Carnival Triumph sat still, dead in the water in the Gulf of Mexico after a main space fire caused a total loss of electrical power. For the 3,143 passengers and 1,000-plus crewmembers, there was no heat or air conditioning, toilets or sani
- The Glass Half Full page: 6
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013I tend to be a glass half full kind of guy, as even in the worst of times there tends to lie opportunity. I would not be remiss in saying there are more than a handful in the shipping community that could label conditions today “the worst of times” – simply put, as the global economy struggles to re
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013ALATAS Americas is a global company with strong roots in maritime and fast growing branches in the offshore sector. MR visited Robin Thomas, VP, for his take on emerging trends in both sectors. ALATAS is a global company with roots in the maritime sector, but there has been a decided move toward
- Nor Crane Powers Ahead page: 56
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013At less than 10 years old, Nor Crane is a relatively new name in deck machinery. While short on years, it is long on experience, with an impressive order book, too. Nor Crane is not unlike a number of other Norwegian technology companies in that it has a history strongly rooted in the country’s of
- Markey’s Mark on the Deck Machinery page: 54
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013105 years young, Markey Machinery has a strong history in the workboat and oceanographic market, and according to Blaine Dempke the orderbook is full and the future is bright. Blaine Dempke, President, Markey Machinery, is somewhat like the company he leads: long-term and steady, as the 30+ year v
- Dredging India page: 50
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013For enhancing the draft in ports or undertaking major dredging projects, India still relies on foreign dredging giants, a situation not likely to change unless the government comes out with a policy encouraging investment in the dredging industry. European dredging giants continue to make a clean s
- WSS’ Global Quest page: 48
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013With the earning of ABS global approval for its safety services and the opening of a Houston Training facility, Wilhelmsen Ships Services (WSS) passed two critical milestone’s in a quest to build and operate an efficient, technically superior maritime and offshore services juggernaut. More than
- 3D Body Scanning page: 46
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Project Launched to Size-Up Offshore Workers Research to measure offshore workers’ body size with 3D scanners to inform the future design of safety equipment, survival clothing and space requirements on offshore installations has been launched in Aberdeen. The research, which will generate an o
- Underwater Robotic Championship page: 44
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Indianapolis to Host 2013 National SeaPerch Challenge In a few weeks, SeaPerch, a national educational outreach program using underwater robotics, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), will hold its 2013 National SeaPerch Challenge. Hosted by the Indiana State Regions this annual competi
- Making Flare Gas Useful page: 34
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Wärtsilä has developed the GasReformer, a product which converts associated gas, which is often flared, into usable fuel for its dual-fuel engines. When producing oil, associated gas is also released from the deposits. In many places this gas is commonly burnt off in gas flares, a waste of ener
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013IMA has just completed an in-depth analysis of the floating production sector. The study profiles the deepwater industry, examines the dynamics driving the sector and forecasts orders for floating production systems between 2013 and 2017. Highlighted below are some key findings in the study. Grow
- Keeping Marine Projects Afloat page: 29
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Plan, Manage, Track, Connect, Anytime, Anywhere Today’s marine and offshore industry faces increasing challenges: the need to work faster on more complex marine products with an extended supply chain in a very competitive environment; to deliver on-time information to customers on the project’s s
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Reduce the Headaches: The Need for an Upgraded Transportation Management System In 2009, the United States alone shipped more than 2.2 billion pounds of goods such as coal, crude materials like wood, sand and gravel, and primary manufactured goods (United States Census Bureau). Undoubtedly, this
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Maritime Reporter
on April 2013Business is cyclical, and nowhere is there more evidence of its cyclical nature than in the insurance market, characterized by ups and downs in insurance premiums, coverages and profitability. By most accounts, the current insurance market has been one of the most competitive in recent memory.