Proceedings Of First N.Y. Port Com-Nav Conference Now On Sale

The printed proceedings of the first Port of New York Navigational Aids and Communications Conference are now available, it has been announced by the Maritime Association of the Port of New York, the organization that sponsored the three-day event held in New York City recently.

The printed record comprises 105 bound pages. It includes a program l i s t i n g every panel and panelist and the principal speakers, and costs $25.

The proceedings, which were transcripted from tape recordings, include every word spoken during the 11 panels that were conducted by experts in the fields of navigational aids and communications, and the principal addresses at luncheons by Adm. Sidney Wallace (USCG), Marine Transportation Advisor to Transportation S e c r e t a r y Brock Adams, and Charles Fisher, Chief, Rules and Legal Branch, Federal Communications Commission.

Admiral Wallace spoke of the plans by his department to implement present and near-future rules and regulations governing operational procedures by vessels of 1,500 tons or over of all flags in USA navigable waters.

Mr. Fisher revealed intimate details of his department's work on revamping rules and regulations now in effect, and its progress on formulating new ones in the field of communications to promote safety at sea.

The panels covered the following subjects: Omega Navigation; Satellite N a v i g a t i o n ; Collision A v o i d a n c e ; Loran-C System; Shipping Fairways; Single Sideband Communications; Marisat; Sittor Communications; RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Marine Service) ; Marine Facsimile for Marine Services, National Vessel Traffic System.

Spontaneous questions from the floor were frankly answered by panelists and principal speakers, and resulting give-and-take discussions covered every facet of navigational aids and communications at sea.

Exhibitors at the event (the personnel of which provided many of the authorities to staff the 11 panels) were: Alden Electronic & Impulse Recording Co., Inc.; Automated Marine I n t e r n a t i o n a l , Inc.; Communications Associates Inc.; COMSAT General Corporation ; Digital Marine Electronics Corp.; IBM General Systems Division; ITT Decca Marine Inc.; Iotron Corporation; Kelvin Hughes, Smiths Industries, Inc.; Konel Corporation; Magnavox; Navidyne Corporation; Raytheon Company; RCA; Simrad I n c . ; Sperry Marine Systems; Tracor Inc., and the United States Coast Guard.

The proceedings are a rare compilation of important up-to-theminute d e v e l o p m e n t s in navigational aids and communication equipment and rules and regulations governing their use, and implications for the future.

The 105-page printed record of the proceedings may be obtained by writing to the Maritime Association of the Port of New York, 80 Broad Street, New York, N.Y.

10004 (enclose check in amount of $25. N.Y. residents add 8 percent tax).

Other stories from August 15, 1977 issue


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