J.B. Travis & Company Named Gulf Sales Rep For Adrick Cooling

James B. Travis & Company, Inc., Gautier, Miss., has been appointed Gulf Coast sales representative for Adrick Cooling Corporation, according to Richard C.

Vassallo, Adrick president.

Adrick Cooling is a leading supplier of marine air-conditioning machinery, self-contained units, refrigerators, freezers and coolers, including design, engineering and fabrication of custom-built units and systems.

The Travis firm is headed by James B. Travis, a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, with 39 years of experience in the maritime industry, including a term as associate professor of engineering at Kings Point.

For the past six years the company has served as manufacturer's representative for firms supplying products and services to the marine field.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 46,  Oct 15, 1980

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