Brochure on Tensar® Geogrids Offered By Armco Construction Products

Advanced civil engineering soil design and cost-effective construction technology make Tensar geogrids the answer to a broad range of marine construction projects, according to an eight-page, four-color brochure now available from Armco Construction Products Division, a division of Armco Inc., Middletown, Ohio.

Tensar geogrids are high-strength polymer structures made from highdensity polyethylene or polypropylene.

They perform as a system of distributed anchorages with a soil matrix, interlocking within soils through the openings of the grids.

The geogrids can be constructed into gabion units that can be used for coastal structures, waterway channel linings, retaining walls, revetments, and scour-protection mattresses.

High tensile strength, durability, and ease of installation are benefits cited in the brochure.

During the patented manufacturing process, polymer sheets up to inch thick are stretched laterally and longitudinally, producing the high tensile strength. Tensar geogrids come in lightweight, easy-tohandle rolls, and require no special tools or specialized labor.

For a free copy of the brochure, Circle 58 on Reader Service Card

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