MARDATA Adds Baltic Index To Its Maritime Database Service

The Maritime Data Network (MARDATA) of Stamford, Conn., has added Baltic Freight Rate Index data to its on-line information service for ocean shipping. Subscribers can now access the Daily Baltic Index and year-to-date activity in addition to detailed information on dry cargo shipments in the MARDATA Charter Fixture database.

This index represents a statistically valid sample of dry cargo voyages, weighted according to the importance of various markets, trade routes, and historical data, and will be utilized to settle Ocean Freight Futures Contracts as announced by the Baltic International Freight Futures Exchange (BIBBEX) and the International Futures Exchange (INTEX).

Freight Futures data for the Bermuda- based INTEX will be available via MARDATA when trading opens in May. It is expected that BIFFEX activity will also be available for MARDATA subscribers.

MARDATA, a leading supplier of database services to the international maritime industry, has been compiling and disseminating Charter Fixture information on both tanker and dry cargo shipments since 1976.

For further information on these services, Circle 21 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 5,  May 1985

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