Literature Available On Clemco Industries' 'Educt-O-Matic'

Clemco Industries, San Francisco, Calif., manufactures "Educt-OMatic," a lightweight, portable abrasive blasting tool with an integral abrasive recovery system.

Weighing only seven pounds, this hand-held tool vacuums and recycles abrasive during the blasting process.

It has a swivel blast head which turns 360° enabling an operator to blast in any direction without rotating the body. A master adaptor with four special boots permits cleaning inside and outside angles, 90° corners and rough or irregular surfaces.

The Educt-O-Matic need only be attached to a Vt - or 3A -inch air line, requiring 90 cfm of air at 90 to 100 psi. It can hold one to four pounds of any standard 40-to-100 mesh blasting abrasive such as glass beads, steel grit or aluminum oxide.

Because it is completely enclosed no special operator safety equipment or training is required.

For further information on Clemco's Educt-O-Matic, Circle 26 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1985 issue


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