John Crane Offers Literature On Their Line Of Bellows Seals

Bellows seals have long been essential to sealing integrity in a wide range of industrial rotary shaft applications.

Elastomer, metal and TFE bellows seals are universally accepted for the performance, safety and cost effectiveness they offer.

John Crane-Houdaille Inc. of Morton Grove, 111. has available comprehensive and detailed literature on the types of bellows seals they carry. They offer three distinct types of seals which have exact recommendations for application. The elastomer bellows seals (John Crane types 1 and 2 series), metal bellows (John Crane tvpe 15 series) and the TFE Bellows "(John Crane Type 20 series).

The elastomer bellows seals take extremes of temperature from — 40°F to +550°F. They stand up to operational pressures as great as 1200 psi and static pressures up to 2000 psi. Because elastomers inherently retain their flexibility and are not subject to fatigue as the bellows perform their flexing functions, they are better performers in many situations.

Metal bellows seals satisfy other services that are beyond the range of elastomers, including cryogenics, heat transfer fluids, severe chemicals and corrosives at temperatures as great as 800°F. Recent improvements include a special design, low distortion front adapter assembly that ensures insert face flatness through the entire operating temperature range, special shrink fit for high temperature applications and thicker bellows for pressures up to 500 psi.

The TFE bellows seals are recommended for the most hostile environments where elastomer and metal bellows won't hold up to concentrations of acids and salts, strong oxidizing or reducing agents and organics.

TFE bellows are the most corrosive resistant seals made. They won't erode like metal and temperature capabilities are to 250°F and pressure capabilities to 150 psi.

To receive further information on John Crane's bellows seals, Circle 52 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1985 issue


Maritime Reporter

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