April 1977 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

Lykes Would Acquire Four Special Ships If Granted New Service

Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc. of New Orleans, La., has proposed to build or acquire four SEABEE ships or roll-on/roll-off van carriers for a new service.

Lykes has applied for operating- differential subsidy (ODS) for a new service on Trade Route 18 between U.S. Atlantic and Gulf ports and ports in Southwest Asia from Suez to Burma, and Africa on the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Gulf of Aqaba. Lykes is also requesting privilege calls on Trade Route 10, between U.S. North Atlantic ports and Portugal, Spain, Atlantic Morocco, and the Mediterranean.

It is for this service that Lykes proposed to build or acquire the additional ships.

The company would make as many as 36 annual sailings on the proposed service with its C3 and C4 freighters and its C5 partial containerships, provided that it may substitute one voyage with a SEABEE barge carrier for two voyages with conventional vessels.

This service would be in addition to the present service as well as that proposed in Lykes's application for long-term renewal of its ODS agreement. Presently Lykes operates 41 vessels in subsidized service between U.S. Gulf ports and ports in, respectively, the United Kingdom and Continent (T.R. 21), the Mediterranean (T.R. 13), the Far East (T.R. 22), South and West Africa (T.R. 15-B), and the west coast of South America (T.R. 31), as well as from U.S. Great Lakes ports to the Mediterranean, India, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea (Trade Area 4)

Other stories from April 1977 issue


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