April 1977 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News

SNAME San Diego Section Told Of 'LNG For California' Plans

A good turnout of 71 guests and members was experienced for the February meeting of the San Diego Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. An introduction and general announcements followed the dinner.

Bill Bascom announced that there will again be an Advanced Marine Vehicle Conference held in San Diego, May 1-4, 1978, sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), and SNAME.

Bob Anders announced that several new technical and research bulletins are now available. These are: T&R Bulletin 5-1, Advanced Surface Craft Economic Model; Code C-4, Local Shipboard Structures and Machinery Vibration Measurements (companion publication to Code C-l, Shipboard Vibration Measurement) ; T&R Bulletin 1-36, Recommended Nomenclature for Sailing Yacht Studies; and T&R Bulletin 1-25 (Revised), Tables of Coefficients for A.T.T.C.

and I.T.T.C. Model Ship Correlation and Kinematic Viscosity and Density of Fresh and Salt Water.

Rudi G. Terry, the guest speaker for the technical section, presented his paper, "LNG for California," which was co-authored by J.A. Aspland.

Mr. Terry's presentation described Pacific Lighting Corporation's plans for development of two large-scale liquefied natural gas (LNG) base-load projects. The two plans are to utilize the domestic gas resources of south Alaska and the vast foreign reserves of Sumatra, Indonesia. The presentation described an overview of the two projects, including discussions of specific developments in shipping and receiving terminals, their configurations, and locations ; also ship acquisition and utilization for the projects.

A great deal of interest was generated, as demonstrated by the many questions and comments after the presentation.

Other stories from April 1977 issue


Maritime Reporter

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