Electro-Nav To Market New 400-Watt SSB Transmitter/Receiver
Electro-Nav president Robert E. Negron has announced the addition of the EN 400 SSB Transmitter/ Receiver to his company's product line.
"This is a unique unit," said Mr. Negron. "It's chock full of excellent features, performs beautifully and reliably, is simple to operate, and has a sensible price tag. The EN 400 is a natural for fast, efficient offshore and longrange communications." The EN 400 is equipped with one-control reset for rapid retrieval of any of 100 preselected frequencies. Fully synthesized, it can be tuned to any frequency in any marine band with no need for crystals, regardless of any future channel allocations by any authority.
The unit is conservatively rated at 400 watts of clean antenna power for reliable offshore and long-range communications, both voice and code, and comes with built-in fully automatic antenna tuning that eliminates amplifier band switches and drive, tune and load controls. Single knob operations simplifies tuning, and bandpass filter circuits permit optimum duplex performance.
The EN 400 was previewed at the recent Seattle Fish Expo and in San Francisco, where it generated significant industry interest.
For more information on the EN 400, write to Electro-Nav, Inc., 1201 Corbin Street, Elizabeth Marine Terminal, Elizabeth, N.J. 07201.
Other stories from November 15, 1977 issue
- ARINC Awarded $117,000 MarAd Study Contract page: 4
- Second $81-Million Gulf Oil Supertanker Christened At Bethlehem Sparrows Point page: 7
- Veliotis To Manage Electric Boat Div. page: 8
- Sun Shipbuilding Consolidates All Marketing Activities —Orth, Winstead And Hunt Named Department Heads page: 10
- Samson Ocean Systems Names John Williamson Regional Manager page: 10
- Hartzman To Retire- Bossier Slated For Avondale Presidency page: 11
- Ocean Orders Five More Ships page: 14
- M a r i n e Boiler Reliability page: 17
- Navy Awards Boeing $178 Million To Build Missile Firing Boats page: 19
- Plan To Convert Three Vessels At Estimated Cost Of $12.8 Million page: 20
- Kleschick Elected To Sun Ship Board Of Directors page: 20
- Norshipco Adopts New Corporate Logo page: 22
- Cayman Energy Ltd. Reports On Activities page: 22
- Samson Sells Marine Survey Division To Local Management page: 22
- Ed Toale Joins Bailey Sales Staff page: 23
- Marine Firms Attend Hoffert Marine Seminar page: 23
- $3-Million Surface Effect Ship Award To Philadelphia Gear page: 24
- Jonathan Feffer Named President SSI Navigation page: 24
- Navy Adds $4.2 Million To Tracor Contract page: 26
- C.F. Bean Corp. Names Charles R. Barron VP page: 26
- Argo International And Sealol Join Forces page: 27
- Space-Age Insulation Approved By Lloyd's page: 27
- Raytheon Promotes A. Newell Garden page: 28
- National Steel And Shipbuilding Delivers Second Of Four 90,000-Ton Tankers To OSG page: 28
- W.A. Whitney Corp. Introduces New 28XX Tooling Catalog page: 29
- Swan Hunter To Build Vessel To Transport Spent Nuclear Fuels page: 29
- Floating Oil Storage Better Prospects For The Unemployed? page: 34
- Alaska Maritime Names William Lorch Valdez Port Manager page: 36
- No. New England Section Of ASNE Reports On Two Technical Sessions page: 36
- Moran-Thibodeaux Names Captain North Vice President-Sales page: 38
- Diamond Manufacturing Building Ro/Ro Dock For Port Of Tampa page: 38
- Newport News Shipyard Installs Powerful Hoists page: 39
- Kawasaki Endows M.l.T. Research Fund With Gift Of $200,000 page: 39
- Todd Shipyards Corp. Holds Company Safety Conference In Chicago page: 40
- Study 56—'Sea Trade And Transportation Of Coal' page: 41
- Spanish Society And ABS Enter Agreement page: 42
- J.M. Ringelberg Joins Seaward International page: 42
- U Of California Gives Course On Deepsea Oil Structures Jan. '78 page: 43
- Slatic Named President Ameron Protective Coatings Division page: 43
- Two Management Appointments Announced At Skagit Corporation page: 44
- IMO Pump Bulletin Describes Twin Screw Pumps page: 44
- New England Company Receives U.S. Funds To Investigate Giant Sphere As Offshore Oil Terminal page: 46
- SNAME And SSC Plan Ship Vibration Symposium For Washington, D.C. October 1978 page: 47
- Electro-Nav To Market New 400-Watt SSB Transmitter/Receiver page: 48
- CIBRO Petroleum Building Super Barge At Todd Shipyards' Houston, Texas Division page: 48
- OMNITHRUSTER Names J. Michael Melvin VP page: 49
- Santa Fe Reenters Onshore Drilling !n The United States page: 49
- ASNE Flagship Section Holds First 1977-78 Meeting page: 50
- Wigham Poland Inc. Expands Marine Insurance Division page: 50