Gulf Copper To Provide Facility, Services For FPSO Conversion

Gulf Copper & Manufacturing Corporation, Port Arthur, Texas, recently signed a contract with Oceaneering Production Systems, a division of Oceaneering International, Inc., Houston, Texas, to provide facility and services to convert the tanker Baltimore Sea to a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel. This multimillion dollar project will include installation of crude oil process equipment, six-point mooring systems, a helideck, and refurbishment of the vessel's marine systems. The ship arrived on February 1 and is expected to be in the yard through this summer.

Gulf Copper is upgrading a new deep-draft pier near the existing facility. The first phase of this project is expected to be completed and available this spring. It will include 1,000 feet of bulkhead dock suitable for either ship or drill rig berthing.

Gulf Copper is very active in the current ship activation program for the Maritime Administration in support of U.S. activities in the Persian Gulf and was one of the first yards to activate two ships simultaneously.

For free literature detailing the Gulf Copper's facilities and services, Circle 342 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from March 1991 issue


Maritime Reporter

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