Hardigg's Rack-Mount Container Protects Electronic Marine Equipment In Transport/Storage

Hardigg Industries, Inc. of South Deerfield, Mass., offers a rack-mounted model container designed to protect off-the-shelf equipment during storage, transport and operation. With this container, it is possible for off-the-shelf rackmounted equipment to be used in rugged field environments.

The container provides shipping protection and also acts as an operational case, as equipment can be used while inside the protective case. Double-entry—both front and back— makes enclosed equipment easily accessible. An inner shield is also available that will prevent electro-magnetic and radio frequency interferences with sensitive equipment.

Hardigg Industries is a leader in the technology of shipping container design. The company now manufactures a line of over 200 rotationally molded shipping containers that are airtight, watertight, and dent-resistant, offering maximum protection for fragile, expensive equipment.

For further information and free literature on products from Hardigg Industries, Circle 10 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from March 1991 issue


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