Rolla Introduces New Surface Piercing 'Super Propellers'

Rolla SP Propellers SA, Balerna, Switzerland, producer of a wide selection of high-performance propellers, has recently introduced a fast new sophisticated geometry intended for surface piercing applications.

Now produced in three special models, REXPSC 90/91-5, -6 and -7, they are said to be the largest investment cast steel propellers in the world.

The latest application of model REXPSC 90/91-6, six-blade version on a 34-ton deep V hull with twin 1.840-hp diesels and propellers in surfacing condition gave a speed of 56+ knots, and overall performance as to planing time, cruise condition, reverse and off design conditions that, according to Rolla, can be considered exceptional.

Philip M. Rolla, the managing director, personally studied, developed and designed the new innova- tive project.

Technical specifications: type, REXPSC 90/91-5, REXPSC 90/91- 6, REXPSC 90/91-7; manufacturing method, investment casting; construction materials, stainless steel, 17-4-PH, ERO; blades—5, 6, 7; description 15 degree cleaver; diameters, up to 32.3 inches (820 mm); pitches 42 inches to 46 inches; hub, any bore; splines, Z 33, Z 36; application, surface piercing; design, Rolla SP Propellers; construction, Rolla SP Propellers.

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