SNAME Gulf Central Section Hears Paper On Underwater Welding At Annual Fall Meeting

The 30th Annual Fall Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) Gulf Central Section was held recently at the Saxony Restaurant in New Orleans, La.

Following cocktails and dinner, the new vice chairman of the Gulf Central Section, Ralph Martin, introduced the new committee chairmen for the period from September 1978 through August 1979.

They are as follows: Anil Raj, Arrangements chairman; Leo G.

Provencher, Publicity chairman; Arthur Darden Jr., Papers chairman, and Lt. Comdr. Richard Meyer, Membership chairman.

After the introductions, the technical paper of the evening, entitled "Recent Developments in Underwater Welding," was presented by Subodh Prasad of C.F.

Bean Corporation. In his talk and slide p r e s e n t a t i o n , Mr. Prasad first explained the theory behind underwater welding and how it is accomplished. He then went on to discuss the research he participated in with Dr. Masubuchi and Dr. Dsai while at M.I.T. The testing procedures they used and the results they obtained were then discussed in some detail. The presentation proved to be most interesting and concluded with the author responding to questions from the audience.

The next meeting will be for the entire Gulf Section of SNAME and guests, and will be held in New Orleans on February 9, 1979.

Other stories from December 1978 issue


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