Established Canadian Firm Designs And Builds Innovative Vessels And Marine Equipment

Lunenburg Foundry and Engineering Ltd.

has been providing a wide variety of high quality products since its establishment in 1891. Originally established to serve the local fishing industry, Lunenburg Foundry has evolved into a diverse manufacturing organization with a fully qualified marine engineering department.

Using CAD-CAM technology, naval architect and vice president Peter Kinley developed a new 65-foot steel wet fish trawler for the Atlantic Canadian fishery. Future projects include the design and construction of a small harbor tug and installation of a 75-ton marine mobile boat hoist to provide increased service to the inshore fishery.

Another recent development is the design and manufacture of "Aqualife" cages for the fast growing aquaculture industry in Atlantic Canada.

These durable 40-foot by 40-foot-square galvanized steel fish rearing cages are proving to be popular among the region's fish farmers.

Other product lines include marine hardware and equipment for both traditional and modern markets. This consists of propulsion systems, traditional cabin and deck hardware, hydraulic and mechanical steering systems, windlasses and hoists, and fishing equipment. The company is the leading Ford Engine distributor in Canada and continually updates their line of Ford "Senator" marine engines.

Marine refits for government, commercial and private vessels are carried out on the company's marine railways. Three cradles are available with a capacity of up to 1,600 metric tons. The firm is able to carry out a full range of ship repairs, refitting and modifications. Facilities also include ferrous and nonferrous foundries, machine shop, welding, electrical and engine departments.

For more information and free literature from Lunenburg Foundry and Engineering, Circle 6 5 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from July 1988 issue


Maritime Reporter

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