$95-Million Pipeline Contract Awarded To J . Ray McDermott & Co.

McDermott International, Inc., a subsidiary of J. Ray McDermott & Co., Inc. of New Orleans, has been awarded a $95-million contract by Petroleo Brasileiro, S.A.

(Petrobras) to lay approximately 280 miles of marine pipeline in the Campos Basin off the coast of southern Brazil.

This pipeline project is part of the initial development of the Garoupa and Enchova Fields, which lie in the Atlantic Ocean about 200 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro. The pipelines will permit the first movement of oil and gas ashore from the seven planned production p l a t f o r m s in these fields, where extensive exploration is still under way.

McDermott will lay four transmission lines, each approximately 50 miles in length, from the Brazilian coast south of Campos to the fields, and lay 17 separate pipelines to the producing platforms.

One 12-inch and one 22- inch pipeline will be laid to bring the Garoupa Field p r o d u c t i on ashore, and one 12-inch and one 24-inch line to bring in the Enchova Field production. In-field pipelines will vary in size from 4 to 16 inches in diameter.

The project, scheduled to be completed by the end of 1982, will use advanced underwater construction and marine pipelaying technology. It will require 38 pipeline connections to platform risers in water depths up to 560 feet.

McDermott is a leading international energy services company.

The company and its subsidiaries provide engineering and construction services to the offshore oil and gas industry and manufacture steam generating equipment, tubular products, insulating products, and a u t o m a t e d machine tools.

Other stories from July 1980 issue


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