New Brochure Describes Goodway's Full Line Of Tube Cleaning Equipment

Goodway Tools Corporation of Stamford, Conn, has announced the availability of its new 18-page catalog featuring tube cleaning systems and boiler efficiency testers.

Goodway specializes in tube cleaning equipment and offers a complete line of efficient, timesaving electric- or air-powered machines with simultaneous vacuum or water flush. The machines are designed for simplicity of operation in maintaining all types of tubular equipment, including watertube boilers, firetube boilers, condensers, and heat exchangers.

Deposits of any sort in heat transfer tubes will reduce the efficiency of the tubes and restrict the flow of fluids. Deposits left for any length of time will, in addition, cause corrosion and pitting of the tubes. Therefore, when conservation of energy and fuel saving are major considerations in plant operation, it is imperative that tubes in all kinds of heat transfer apparatus be kept clean at all times.

For a free copy of the Goodway catalog and a reference list of users, Write 33 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from June 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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