Oosterhuis Talk Describes Decline In Fuel Q u a l i t y - Free Copies Available

Herman H. Oosterhuis, president of Oosterhuis Industries, Inc., believes that the quality of fuel keeps going down, the decline in quality being widespread in some areas and worse in others.

In a talk at a technical session of the Workboat Show held in New Orleans, Mr. Oosterhuis said that the United States has long been blessed with clean, lowsulphur diesel fuel.

"Apparently, this era is now coming to an end, and is causing problems for many high-speed engine users. Most lower-horsepower, high-rpm diesel engines t h a t are designed for operating on gas oil and ASTM No. 2 diesel are seriously affected," he pointed out.

In an excerpt from his wellreceived talk, he pointed out that A m e r i c a n manufacturers have done wonders, particularly during the past decade, with improving on fuel efficiency of steam plants. "It nevertheless appears t h a t the U.S. merchant marine is now heading for at least partially switching over to diesel en- gines capable of burning heavy fuel, and the industry is catching up rather rapidly.

"They have been historically steam-oriented, contrary to overseas, where the diesel has been king for more than half a century.

U.S. engine manufacturers of higher-horsepower, mediumspeed engines already have experience with heavy fuel, and assembly in the U.S. of big-bore diesels has r e c e n t l y become a f a c t , " he said.

Mr. Oosterhuis pointed out that the interest shown by the U.S.

Maritime A d m i n i s t r a t i o n for heavy-fuel engines, and the fact t h a t more and more engineers will become thoroughly familiar with the operation of heavy-fuel diesels will, no matter how remote it may sound, in the long run be beneficial to the workboat industry.

Mr. Oosterhuis, who is a native of Holland, is a graduate of the A m s t e r d a m Marine Engineers College.

For a free copy of the Oosterhuis talk, Write 11 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 10,  Jun 1981

Read Oosterhuis Talk Describes Decline In Fuel Q u a l i t y - Free Copies Available in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of June 1981 Maritime Reporter

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