Halifax Industries Celebrates Inauguration Of Floating Dock —Brochure Offered On Facilities
Halifax Industries Ltd., Nova Scotia, recently celebrated the inauguration of its $63.5- million Panamax floating dock with a reception held for area shipowners at the Canadian consulate in New York City.
In attendance were Kenneth E. Wood, president and chief executive officer of Halifax Industries; Philip M. McGavney and John Landry, assistants to the president; John Bell, Canadian deputy counsul general of New York; and Walter Thorsen, U.S. agent for Halifax Industries.
Halifax Industries has two shipyards—Halifax Shipyard at Halifax and Dartmouth Marine Slips located at Dartmouth across the harbor. Halifax Industries Limited is 50 percent each owned by CNM, Inc. (Crown Corporation) and Halco, Inc. Halifax Shipyard began operations 1887 and Dartmouth Marine Slips 1850. They have built various types of vessels from naval destroyers, passenger ferries, deep sea trawlers to semisubmersible drilling rigs.
In 1979, Halifax Shipyard, in its first phase of modernization spent $7.5 million upgrading and replacing yard equipment and purchased its $6-million, floating drydock, "Scotiadock." In 1980 a further $6 million was spent upgrading steel fabrication capabilities at the yard. Phase two of the modernization will be an additional $16 million to be spent over the next five years upgrading shops to accommodate repairs on vessels up to 100,000 tons.
Halifax Shipyards now offer the following drydocks: Dartmouth Marine Slips has five marine slipways with a maximum hauling capacity of 3,100 tons for repair of vessels up to 3,000 tons. The U.S. agent for Halifax Industries is Walter Thorsen, Inc. of Hoboken, N.J.
A 6-page full-color brochure is available describing the yards and facilities.
For a free copy, Write 15 on Reader Service Card
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