$4.7 Million Navy Contract Awarded SPD Technologies
SPD Technologies has been awarded a $4.7 million contract from the U.S. Navy to design and manufacture new-generation molded-case solid state circuit breakers with electronic sensing and state monitoring.
The new development will include the application of advanced electronic controls, high-endurance under- voltage tripping, and a state monitoring system featuring digital technology for monitoring, storing and transmitting trip information both locally and remotely.
Upon completion of the design and development phase, a total of 15 circuit breakers will be produced and delivered to the Navy in 1993.
SPD has been a pioneer in the application of electronics in military circuit breakers over the past 20 years. In 1990, the company completed a breakthrough development by producing the first electronically controlled 100 ampere circuit breakers, setting a new standard in shock resistance and reliability.
For more information and free literature, Circle 16 on Reader Service Card
Other stories from November 1991 issue
- Marine Society Of N.Y. To Hold Annual Dinner April 6, 1992, In NYC page: 6
- Carnival Cruise Lines Contracts For New Ship page: 6
- Barge Industry Says USCG Proposal Could Paralyze Oil Transport page: 7
- Litton Awarded Contract To Develop Hull-Mounted Fiberoptic Sub Sonars page: 8
- John Deere Enters Marine Engine Market page: 8
- Caterpillar-Powered Fishing Vessel Delivered By Rodriguez Boat Builders page: 9
- AT&T Signs $49.5-Million U.S. Navy Contract For EMSP Modifications page: 9
- FELS Completes Galaxy I, $100 Million Jackup Rig page: 10
- Marinette Marine Delivers Third MCM To U.S. Navy page: 10
- 180-Foot Supply Boat Converted To Standby/Rescue Vessel By Steiner Shipyard page: 11
- Navy Awards Initial Design Contracts For Sealift Ships page: 11
- Washington State Ferry Delivered In 168 Days By Hydraulic Fishing Supply page: 13
- Bauer Industries Completes Excursion Boat Interior Design page: 13
- Galveston Ship Consolidates Yard, Will Sell 35 Acres page: 15
- Volvo Penta Offers Broader Commercial Marine Range—New Engine Suitable For Japan page: 16
- AWO Safety Seminar Set For New Orleans, La., December 4-5, 1991 page: 18
- Underwater 92 Will Focus On Advanced Technology, January 13-15 In Houston page: 18
- Waterways Conference Delegates Urge Maritime Industry To Lobby For Repeal Of Shipping Taxes page: 19
- Finnish Yard Delivers Hamilton Jet-Powered Helsinki Police Craft page: 20
- Unique Spillstop— Advanced Oil Spill Avoidance System page: 20
- A Word From The President page: 21
- SNAME 1991 Annual Meeting & 1 Oth Annual Internation al Maritime Exposition page: 22
- JBF-Designed 'Shearwater' Launched At Goudy And Stevens Shipyard page: 32
- Coast Guard Contracts To Buy 32 Search-And-Rescue Helicopters For Maritime Defense Zone page: 34
- Theme Of MTS '91 In New Orleans To Be 'An Ocean Cooperative— Industry, Government, Academia' page: 34
- MHI Wins Awards, Order For VLCC Installed With CRP Propulsion System page: 35
- NY&NJ Port Authority Links Electronic Data Exchange To Hamburg, Germany page: 35
- MHI Develops New Low-Speed Diesel; First Unit Destined For VLCC page: 37
- Westinghouse Pursues Diesel Propulsion Markets In U.S. page: 38
- Appropriations Conference Approves Use Of Foreign Ships For Ready Reserve Force page: 39
- SNAME NY Metropolitan Discusses Training Of Deck Officers At 'Past Chairman's Night' Session page: 40
- Erie Basin Bargeport, New Facility, To Open For Ship Repair, Marine Services page: 41
- Concurrent Systems Releases New NAPOL Hydrostatics Package page: 41
- McDermott Sets Production Deck No. 1 For Freeport McMoRan Sulfur Project page: 42
- Keppel Adds 20,000-DWT Dock At Philippines Yard page: 42
- Oil Spill Equipment Purchased By Coast Guard Must Avoid Private Sector Duplication page: 43
- North Florida Shipyard Reactivates/Refurbishes RO/RO Trailer Vessel page: 44
- New Chevron Tanker Christened In Brazil page: 44
- Semisubmersible Begins Scheduled Liner Service Transporting Yachts page: 44
- Tippet Marine Rebuilds Fishing Vessel Designed For 1990's Challenges page: 54
- $4.7 Million Navy Contract Awarded SPD Technologies page: 54
- New York Shipyard Receives Second Navy Drydocking Contract page: 54
- Hall-Buck Yard Gets New Name, Adds Drydock page: 55
- Alaska Moves To Buy Acreage For Proposed Port of Anchorage page: 55
- Alabama Shipyard In Talks With Danish Shipbuilder page: 56
- NASSCO Launches Second AOE Ship page: 56
- The International WORK BOAT SHOW page: 58
- Report Says Tanker Supply-Demand Gap Will Narrow By 1994 page: 60
- Trinity Adds Huge Floating Dock At Texas Yard page: 60
- Newpark Resources Announces Barge Fleet Expansion page: 60
- MSC Solicits Proposals To Charter Cruise Ship page: 60
- A/S Vesta Incinerators Help Shipowners Meet Waste Regulations page: 65
- Bird-Johnson Appoints Lapp Gulf Coast Manager, Expands Sales Force page: 65
- Bush Administration Backs Senate Approval Of Two Environmental Treaties page: 66
- RHG-Houston Enters U.S. Survey Market page: 66
- Commodore Awards Bailey Contract For Chiller Pack For S/S Enchanted Seas page: 66
- Future Of Marine Emergency Services Now Under Scrutiny page: 68
- Chantier Naval Matane Delivers Two Paul-Andre White-Designed Day-Operating Tourist Vessels page: 69
- Eleventh In Series Of 16 Fleet Oilers Under Construction At Avondale Christened USNS Guadalupe page: 71
- Wartsila Delivers 16 Vasa 32 Engines For Norwegian Supply Vessels page: 72
- HMVG Awarded Second U.S. Navy Contract In Two Months page: 72
- Kvichak Marine Delivers Fourth Of Nine 32-Foot Fast Response Vessels page: 73
- McDermott Names Jamestown Metal Supplier Of The Year page: 73
- Paxman Delivers First Of Total Of 32 Valenta Engines To U.S. Navy page: 75
- EC And 14 Nations Protest Dredging Restrictions In 1992 MarAd Budget page: 75
- ACL Launches New U.K. Agencies Firm page: 77
- Hempel Relocates USA Headquarters To Houston, Texas page: 77
- Oil Industry Wary About Buying New Leases Off California page: 81
- House-Senate Panel Agrees On Funding For MarAd, FMC And NOAA page: 81
- Wartsila-Powered Multi-Role Research Ship Delivered By Swan Hunter Shipbuilders page: 83
- Effort To Scrap Mothballed Defense Ships Advanced By Compromise Plan page: 85
- OPA 90 Could Scare Carriers Into Discontinuing Service To U.S. page: 86
- Japan Lobbies To Defeat Bills Calling For End To Drift-Net Fishing page: 86
- Barge Service Start-Up Gives Shot In Arm To Red Hook Terminal page: 86
- French Develop VLCC Design With Intermediate Deck page: 87
- Global Maritime Distress, Safety System Set For Implementation Next Year page: 87
- Yard Anti-Subsidy Bill Advanced By House Panel page: 87
- Maryland Yard Wins Major Steel Tunnel Fabrication Job page: 88
- MacGregor-Navire, Transmarine Awarded Stateside Business page: 88
- Crewless Cargo Ships Looked Upon By Owners As Wave Of Future page: 88
- Raytheon's R70 Series Radars Provide High Level Of Performance page: 88
- Trimble Navigation Selects Tru-Chart Electronic Charts On CD-ROM page: 90
- Corrosion Control Seminar To Be Held Next Month page: 91
- New Double Hull Retrofit Design From Stuart Marine page: 91
- Alexander Industries Now Exclusive Representative For Welin Lambie Products page: 93
- Scale Reproductions Installs Auto CAD System To Design Ship Models page: 93
- Maritime Services Moves To Expanded Facilities page: 95
- Crowley Withdraws MarAd Application For Ship Financing Guarantees page: 97
- NAS Reports Double Hulls Will Save 5,000 Tons In Spillage page: 99
- Braswell To Operate Panamanian Yard page: 99
- Service Marine Industries Elects New Officers page: 100
- McDermott To Participate In Azeri Field Development page: 100
- Corn Island Shipyard Offers New Construction, Major Repairs, Services page: 100
- COMSAT Announces Personnel Changes page: 102
- Deutz MWM Introduces New Engine Model page: 102
- Regal Princess Delivered By Fincantieri To P&O page: 104
- SMC Joint Symposium Examines Lessons Of Desert Storm page: 107
- Massachusetts Considers Building Prison Ship To Ease Overcrowding page: 108
- Markey Completes Delivery Of Winches For Three Vessels page: 108
- Westport Shipyard Delivers Detroit Diesel-Powered Patrol Boat To California State Fish & Game page: 112
- Hall-Buck To Provide Cargo Dock Handling Services At Indiana Port page: 113
- Smith Berger Offers Free Literature On Chain Stoppers page: 114
- New Fuel Economy Control System From KaMeWa page: 115
- Fredeman Shipyard Names John W. Sansing Manager page: 115
- Sea-Fab Converts Offshore Supply Vessel To Oil Spill Recovery Boat page: 117
- Upcoming Events page: 118
- Marco Delivers Caterpillar-Powered North Pacific Freezer Longliner page: 119
- Versatile Pacific Delivers Canadian Coast Guard Type '500' Search And Rescue Cutters page: 121
- New Joint Venture Firm Formed For Marine Pollution Control Services page: 123
- New Service Offered To Develop Oil Spill Response Plans page: 123
- Deutsch Pyplok Fittings Continue To Join Critical Piping Systems At Jacksonville Shipyards page: 125
- Navy Christens Third SWATH T-AGOS At McDermott Yard page: 126
- Tano Acquires Valcon, Opens New Facility In Virgina page: 126
- Loan Guarantees Totaling $82 Million Approved By MarAd For Shipbuilding page: 127
- Ingalls Begins Construction Of First SA'AR 5 Corvette page: 127
- Detroit Diesel Donates Auxiliary Propulsion For Tall Ship 'Discovery' page: 128
- Navy Delivers Strategic Sealift Plan To Congress page: 129
- 'Stretched7 Version Of Nimitz Recommended For Future Navy Carriers page: 131
- 'Stretched' Version Of Nimitz Recommended For Future Navy Carriers page: 131
- New Port Cost Guide From INTERTANKO page: 131
- Growth In Seaborne Iron Ore Trade Forecast In New Report page: 132
- Advanced Bow Thruster Efficiency Aided By Stator Screen From Shipwrights page: 132
- Trinity Shipyard Delivers Detroit Diesel-Powered Crewboat For Use in Indonesia page: 135
- Port Of South Louisiana Leads Grain Industry Economic Impact page: 135
- First National Monument Honoring Merchant Marine Unveiled In New York City page: 136
- Port Of Seattle Releases Ambitious Expansion Plan page: 136
- SCI Gets Go-Ahead To Build Nine Ships In South Korea page: 137
- Barge Rates Surge As Demand Rises, Water Levels Fall page: 138
- USCG Developing Rules Requiring Vessels To Respond To Oil Spills page: 138
- SCI Gets Go-Ahead To Build Nine Ships In South Korea page: 138
- MSRC To Be Fully Operational In 18 Months page: 140
- Garvin To Receive API's Highest Award At Annual Meeting In Houston page: 140
- Energy Policies Will Determine Future Petroleum Imports page: 140
- Aker And Kiewit Form Partnership To Serve Offshore Industry page: 143
- Zebra Mussel Infestation Spreads Beyond Great Lakes page: 143
- MSC Charters Four Barge-Carrying Vessels page: 143
- Justice Department Softens Opposition To Gaming Bill page: 144