$4.7 Million Navy Contract Awarded SPD Technologies

SPD Technologies has been awarded a $4.7 million contract from the U.S. Navy to design and manufacture new-generation molded-case solid state circuit breakers with electronic sensing and state monitoring.

The new development will include the application of advanced electronic controls, high-endurance under- voltage tripping, and a state monitoring system featuring digital technology for monitoring, storing and transmitting trip information both locally and remotely.

Upon completion of the design and development phase, a total of 15 circuit breakers will be produced and delivered to the Navy in 1993.

SPD has been a pioneer in the application of electronics in military circuit breakers over the past 20 years. In 1990, the company completed a breakthrough development by producing the first electronically controlled 100 ampere circuit breakers, setting a new standard in shock resistance and reliability.

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