Service Marine Industries Elects New Officers

Thomas R. Hensley, president and majority stockholder of Service Marine Industries (SMI), Amelia, La., recently announced the following changes in ownership and organizational structure.

SMI was recently purchased by Jim Miller of Oak Brook, 111. Mr.

Miller will serve as chairman of the board.

Also elected was Terry T.

Frickey as president and chief executive officer of Service Marine.

Mr. Frickey, who until recently was general manager of Fredeman Shipyards in Sulphur, La., brings to SMI over 20 years of shipyard experience including all phases of boat and barge repair and gas-freeing operations.

Mr. Hensley, under the new organization, will serve as vice president of marketing, responsible for product development and continuing emphasis on expanding the market and service area of SMI.

Service Marine, with modern shipbuilding facilities located on the Intracoastal Waterway east of Morgan City, La., specializes in the construction of large shallow draft passenger craft (dinner cruise, gambling and mini-cruise ships) and offshore oil field support vessels. They have, in addition, an extensive ship repair division with two drydocks and dockside facilities for ship conversion projects.

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