New Service Offered To Develop Oil Spill Response Plans

Owners and operators of tank vessels calling at U.S. ports are in a predicament. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 and proposed Coast Guard regulations require tank vessel owners and operators to prepare and submit oil spill response plans for each vessel. Besides identifying a qualified individual with the full authority to implement immediate removal actions, the response plan must identify and ensure by contract the availability of private personnel and equipment sufficient to remove a worst case oil spill. The plan is to also address the protection of sensitive natural resources in the particular port area.

Florida's Oil Spill Response Group, based in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., i s developing NAT.PORT/ M.E.T.E.R.S., a national subscription contingency plan system, to meet the needs of t a nk vessel owners and operators. The specific port plans when completed will meet all Federal and State governmental r e q u i r e m e n t s . NAT.PORT/ M.E.T.E.R.S., which stands for National Port/Marine Emergency Tankship Environmental Response System, provides for a qualified shore agent in each of the petroleum ports that customers request service in. The shore agent is responsible to meet each tanker or barge with the pre-approved port contingency plan in hand. He or she will know governmental people in the port t h a t need to be contacted should an incident develop. The tanker must still have an internal plan to prevent, and in the case of a spill, to reduce pollution. Florida's Oil Spill Response Group staff can also assist vessel owners in developing such a plan.

Other stories from November 1991 issue


Maritime Reporter

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